ENGLISH: With the exception of this paragraph and an update to the final page of the HTML (added Dec 23rd,2024), everything on this page appears as it did on September 23rd, 2024. "The Zodiac Killer's Identity Revealed" is linked to the solutions to Revelation, and acts as the first of two "confirmation keys," which confirm my Authorization to act, and confirm John W Gardner was third "Beast" of Revelation.
(This message was added to this page on November 20th, 2024; 12:29 AM.)
You can read The Zodiac's Identity Revealed PDF, without the exhibits, here:
Or read it with the exhibits here:
Or read either version on the Current Editions page.
Or you can read the HTML below.
ESPAÑOL: Con la excepción de este párrafo, todo en esta página aparece como lo hizo el 23 de septiembre de 2024. «La Identidad del Asesino del Zodiaco Revelada» está vinculada a las soluciones del Apocalipsis, y actúa como la primera de dos “claves de confirmación”, que confirman mi Autorización para actuar, y confirman que John W Gardner era la tercera “Bestia” del Apocalipsis.
(Este mensaje fue añadido a esta página el 20 de noviembre de 2024; 12:30 AM.)
Puede leer The Zodiac's Identity Revealed PDF, sin las pruebas documentales, aquí:
O léalo con las pruebas aquí:
O lea cualquiera de las dos versiones en la página de Ediciones Actuales.
O puede leer el HTML a continuación.
URGENT: If you are reading this before the evening of September 23rd, 2024 (in the Western hemisphere), please first see the notes below the Revelation 2: The Solutions PDF, on the II Revelation page (https://thezoneresistance.com/ii-revelation-solutions), or toward the bottom of the Revelation 2 HTML page (https://thezoneresistance.com/revelation-2-html), white print against a gold background.
NOTE: The Zodiac's letters, ciphers, diagrams, map, and envelope exhibits are not available on this page, but they are available on the Zodiac Killer's Identity revealed PDF page, here: https://thezoneresistance.com/zodiac-killer-id-revealed
The following HTML report was copied from the PDF. so it contains several visual elements that are not in the HTML version. Most of the PDF's photographs have been imported into this article; however, due to formatting restrictions, the photos you will need to scroll up or down to see the photos.
Please see my new research report on the Zodiac Killer (John William Gardner), titled "My Stepdad Was One of the Zodiac's Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murderers", as it makes a very important update disclosure/corrections concerning the source of The Zodiac's/Gardner's genius. He's not the genius I thought he was. (https://thezoneresistance.com/stepdad-was-a-zodiac).
This HTML was cut and pasted from the original "The Zodiac Killer's Identity Revealed" PDF. That PDF can be found toward the bottom of this page, and that PDF is, in my opinion, much more attractive than this HTML page, which did not fully accommodate the photographs and illustrations presented in the original PDF.
You will find photographs of most of the central Zodiac Killer evidence at the bottom of this page AND at the bottom of the "Notes" page.
The Zodiac Killer’s Identity Revealed - Update
Steven Kenyatta Briggs (March-April 2024); updated September 22nd, 2024
Beginning on the following page, this update presents the entire July 3rd, 2024 version of “The Zodiac Killer’s Identity Revealed”, from page 1 to 36, but on page 37, where the page of “Post” notes had been, I have added a page of important information, which changes everything I thought I knew about John W Gardner, and changes the meaning of everything I have correctly and accurately reported about him. After the new update page, the original, July 3rd, 2024, “Post” page is presented on page 38.
The most talked about murderer of the 20th century was the Zodiac killer, who dominated headlines and terrified America in the late 1960s and early 1970s. No region was more terrified than the Northern California Bay Area, where the Zodiac stalked and murdered –where I was a 4 to 5-year-old school kid, in Berkeley, California, when his only confirmed murders occurred.
In the following pages I’ll reveal the Zodiac’s identity –using the decipher key he placed in the first cipher he sent to the press, in 1969. Before I decode the decipher key, I’ll review 7 key events and 17 of the Zodiac’s letters to the press, in sequence –so you can play armchair detective when we start the identity confirmation process. Let’s begin.
EVENT 1. December 20th, 1968, an unidentified killer attacks and kills 2 teens, a boy and girl, in a car parked, in a remote area, in Benicia, California. Ten Super X .22–caliber shells were fired, between 11:05 and 11:10 pm.
EVENT 2. Near 12pm, between July 4th and 5th, 1969, an unidentified assailant attacked and shot a young man and young woman, parked in a car in a remote area, killing the woman, wounding the man.
· LETTERS I, II, III. August 1st, 1969, three Bay Area newspapers (the San Francisco
Chronicle, the San Francisco Examiner, and the Vallejo Times Herald) received near identical letters from an unnamed killer who claimed responsibility for the murders, and provided details. The killer only refers to himself as “the murderer” and “I”. Most unusually, the letters contained a 408 character cipher (coded message), divided into 3 parts of 136 characters each, one part mailed to each newspaper. The 3 ciphers were each 8 rows high and 17 columns wide. The envelopes were postmarked July 31, 1969. The Vallejo Times Herald’s envelope had four 6-cent stamps; the other two envelopes had two 6-cent stamps (1 stamp was standard and sufficient). The killer wrote, “in this cipher is my identity,” and demanded the papers print his coded messages on their front pages, or he’d kill a dozen people over the weekend; signed with the symbol: .
· LETTER IV. August 4th, 1969, the Examiner received a letter in which the killer first
used the name “the Zodiac.” The Z is offset from the other letters. The killer uses an “i” for an exclamation point, and adds an “e” to the word having (“haveing”), and spells “cruse” without an “i”. The killer assures police when they crack his code“they will have me.”
Note: All but two of the Zodiac’s letters had no street, no address and no zip code.
EVENT 3. CODE CRACKED! The next day, August 5th, 1969, amateur cryptographers crack the cryptogram; where the killer boasts of his love for killing. The coded message uses 23 letters (no J, Q or Z); but the cipher uses 25 letters of the alphabet (no C), and 25 symbols. The message does not contain the killer’s identity. But at the end of the decoded message are 18 extra letters; in this sequence: e, b, e, o, r, i, e, t, e, m, e, t, h, h, p, i, t, i.
Had the Zodiac lied that police “would have me” when they solved the code?
Killers are not above lying, but the Zodiac had not lied. The code was only half solved. The Zodiac’s identity was to be revealed in the 18 unexplained letters, which served as his signature –and the decipher key, necessary to discovering the killer’s true identity.
The cracked code showed the Zodiac’s symbol () represented a D. A backward R (ᴙ) represented a standard R. The killer spelled paradise – “paradice.”
EVENT 4. September 27th, 1969, at Lake Berryessa, California, 75 miles northeast of San Francisco, the Zodiac attacks a young man and woman in a remote area. The woman, Cecelia Shepard, is stabbed 10 times, and dies 2 days later. Her boyfriend, Bryan Hartnell, is stabbed 6 times, but survives. Hartnell tells police the killer wore a black hood with a small symbol over his chest, on bib-like covering attached to the hood. The killer had a gun, Hartnell believed was a .45. Hartnell says, before starting his assault, the killer explained he escaped from jail (in Montana or Colorado), where he killed a guard and stole a car, and he needed the victim’s car and money to escape to Mexico, because his stolen car was too hot.
Shepard, who saw the attacker before he put his hood on, survives long enough to give police a description. At least 3 other people also saw the killer’s face. Based on these descriptions, a sketch of the killer is released a few days later.
LOCATION NOTE. The Car Note. After the September 27, 1969 attack, the killer wrote his symbol, , on Hartnell’s car (but does not steal it). He also wrote the numerical dates of all of his murders: “Vallejo 12-20-68, 7-4-69, Sept 27-69 – 6:30 by knife”. The Zodiac wanted the world to know the crimes he had committed. All of the dates were numerical, except for the root “Sept”, Latin for seven.
EVENT 5. October 11, 1969, at about 9:55 pm, taxi driver Paul Stine is killed in San Francisco. 2 police officers and 3 teenagers are alleged to have seen the murderer as he escaped. A few days later, a sketch of the Zodiac is released, based on the teenagers’ descriptions. The new sketch looks nothing like the sketch of the Lake Berryessa killer. The new sketch becomes the widely distributed and accepted image of the killer.
· LETTER V. October 13th, 1969, the Zodiac wrote the SF Chronicle to say he killed
Paul Stine.
EVENT 6. 2:00 a.m., October 22, 1969, a man claiming to be the Zodiac calls the Oakland PD, demanding to talk to attorney Melvin Belli or F. Lee Bailey, on A.M. San Francisco, a TV talk show. Belli agrees. Later that morning, the voice of someone vetted to be the Zodiac has a brief exchange with Belli. During the interview, Belli, who eventually represented Muhammad Ali, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Tony Curtis and The Rolling Stones, used the occasion for self-promotion.
· LETTER VI. November, 8th, 1969, the Zodiac mails the SF Chronicle his new 340
character cipher: 17 columns wide, 20 rows high.
NOTE: The 340-cipher went unsolved for 51 years, until 2020. When cracked, in the coded message, the Zodiac denied it was not him who called the radio station (October 22, 1969). The message also contains 3 misspellings of the word “paradice”, including the phrase “to paradice”.
· LETTER VII. November 9th, 1969, The Zodiac mails his Bus Bomb letter to the SF
Chronicle. On page 1, he says he has killed 7 people, and will no longer notify the public about his kills (thus, he notifies the public that he will not notify them), but assures the public there will be many more kills. He says he looks like the recently published sketch (released after Paul Stine’s murder). To prove he is the Zodiac, he suggests they “ask the Vallejo cop about the electric gun sight which I used to start my collecting of slaves.” (Such a gun-barrel mounted target light was extremely advance for 1969.) The Zodiac includes a diagram of how to make a huge bomb, with “one bag of ammonium nitrate fertilizer”, stove oil and a ”few bags of gravel”. He calls this his “death machine.” [This would later inspire Timothy McVeigh to create a van bomb that killed 168 (including 19 children), in 1995.]
· LETTER VIII. December 20th, 1969, the anniversary of his first murder, the Zodiac
sends a letter to Melvin Belli. He suggests there is an 8th victim, and asks for Belli’s help. He indicates he has a second personality, Nine (9), writing: “If I hold back too long from no nine I will loose [sic] all controol [sic] of my self.”
Six 1-cent stamps on the envelope.
· LETTER IX. April 20th, 1970, the Zodiac sends a diagram of a bomb triggered by
photo electric switches. He includes a 13-letter cipher which he suggests is his name (more about this on page 24 –but there’s a huge spoiler on page 24, so don’t check yet). The cipher contains 4 characters that are in neither of the cracked ciphers. (To my knowledge this cipher remains unsolved, and cannot be solved, because there are too few letters and too many possibilities.) The Zodiac seems to claim to have killed 10 people. On the bomb diagram, he introduces a new way to communicate cipher hints –through what seems to be a murder vs arrest scorecard, as he writes: “= 10 SFPD = 0”. This is the clue to verify the first letter of his name, on the 18-letter decipher key.
= 10 also meant the Zodiac was claiming 1 (and I), 0, O, and 10 (and J), as individual facets of his identity. We know this because on the top line of this letter, he wrote, “This is the Zodiac Speaking I”. The Zodiac went on to use the word “I” 10times in the 1-page letter.
· LETTER X. April 28th, 1970, the Zodiac sends his Dragon Card to the San Francisco
Chronicle. He demands the Chronicle publish all of the details of his Bus Bomb letter and says he wants to see people wearing Zodiac buttons. (Two 6-cent stamps.)
· LETTER XI. June 26th, 1970, the Zodiac mailed the SF Chronicle his Mount Diablo
Code (MDC) map and accompanying letter (sometimes very improperly called the Button Letter; but the first button letter is the Dripping Pen Card, published 8 months earlier). [The obscured postmark appears to read June 24th. On the letter, it appears someone used adhesive tape to attach the date June 26, 1969.] The envelope has one 6-cent stamp. This letter and map, are most important clues to solving the Zodiac’s identity decipher key. In the letter, the Zodiac drew his symbol, , followed by a – (a minus sign) adjacent to 12: “
–12”. He also bluntly wrote: “I shot a man sitting in a parked car with a .38.”
Attached to the letter is a Phillips 66 map. On the map, over Mount Diablo (Devil Mountain), the Zodiac drew his symbol, , in what appears to be blue marker. The Zodiac was saying he is the Devil, and 6 and 66 are his numbers. Below the vertical crosshair of his symbol is a 6. At the top of the vertical crosshair is an arrow, pointing to an “O” [also a “0” (zero) and a circle], to form an “i” (or I), with a 6 below. The Zodiac was saying: “I am i (or I). And 6, and O, and 0, and circle, are all me.” The right end of the horizontal crosshair of the Zodiac’s symbol points to a 3; the left end of the horizontal crosshair points to a 9.
The next clues are found just to the right, where the Zodiac wrote on the map (near the blue O that the vertical crosshair arrow points to, so as to incorporate the O into his writing): “O is to be set to Mag. N.” (magnetic north). M and N are both capitalized, because they are two of 6 letters the Zodiac used to represent himself (I, M, N, O, D, Z).
· LETTER XII. July 24th, 1970, the Zodiac mailed the San Francisco Chronicle. He
whines about people not wearing buttons with his name or symbol. He mentions making a “little list,” and takes credit for terrifying, but not killing Kathleen Johns and her baby.
· LETTER XIII. July 26th, 1970, the Zodiac sent his Little List Letter, the second most
important letter to decoding his identity decipher key and mysteries. Again, the Zodiac complains that people are not wearing Zodiac buttons, and suggests he may now have 13 victims. The Zodiac reserves a few pages (pages 3-5) for modified lyrics to Gilbert and Sullivan’s “Little List”, full of double letter words. The first important detail comes on page 2, where he gives us the solution to the second position in the decipher key, as he draws his symbol next to an equal sign (=), followed by the number 13: =13. Connected to that, to the left (for the first time), he also gave us the police score: “SFPD = O”. The SFPD’s O is inside the circle of the Zodiac’s symbol. In his April 20th and June 26th, 1970 letters, the Zodiac established he was an “O” and/or 0 (zero).
On page 5, the Zodiac puts the word “Diablo” inside his symbol: he is the Devil –the Beast. This explains why he gave his symbol () the value D in his first cipher.
Next, on page 5, comes one of the most important hints to solving the puzzle, as the Zodiac wrote: “PS. The Mount Diablo Code concerns Radians & # of inches along the radians.” Thus, the Zodiac refers to the Mount Diablo map and letter as a “Code”, and somewhat indicates how the code on the map works. The word “Radians” is capitalized.
· LETTER XIV. Maybe the best clues came on October 27th, 1970, when the Zodiac
sent Paul Avery (SF Chronicle reporter) a Halloween card. This was the first letter that was even remotely dated correctly; with a name, city and street name (but no address, state or zip). On the back of the card, the vertical word paradice [sic] and the horizontal word slaves divide the card into a 4-section grid; two words in each section.
This was a tool to help police see that words, like letters, can have various numerical values, to help solve the code. The Zodiac hoped police would see the vertical rows had the same sum as the horizontal columns (11, 13), and the diagonals both equaled 12.
The Zodiac did this because the police and FBI were not figuring out the second half of his puzzle. The Zodiac wanted the world to use his many clues, and the 18 remaining letters of the 408 cryptogram, to try to identify him.
On the interior of the card the Zodiac drew a new symbol:
The symbol represents two things
1. Two 7s, joined at the foot, one tilted to the left, the other is reversed and tilted right.
2. Two Ls, joined at the top, one rotated about 135-degrees, the other reversed and rotated about 135-degrees in the other directions.
To these merged ideas, the Zodiac added a short line perpendicular to the center of base-line, creating a tilted and merged 7/L/F hybrid. He further regaled the shape with four dots, two on either side of the 7’s base-lines, to give 4 equal representation to the 7s and Ls. The Zodiac was claiming two 7s (7 7 and/or 14), two Ls (LL) and two 4s, as part of his identity. We know this because in the return address area of the envelope, he also drew this symbol, with a Z beneath it:
These symbols can be used to create the number 40 (14+26) or can be used to say = Zodiac. The Z can be seen as a 7 and an L, back to back, 7L; or a standard 7 and an upside-down 7, merged; or two Ls, one reversed and upside down and merged. Lis the 12th letter of the alphabet, so an L represents 12, and two Ls represent 24. Two 4s can be represented by 44or 8, or 24. The Zodiac expressed double-numbers several ways: two 7s can be represented by 77, or 27 (2x7) or 14. The date of the card was October 27. Again, 27 (2x7) can represent 14.
(If you wonder about the Zodiac’s interest in certain double letters and numbers, particularly in double 7s and Ls, it has to do with double 7s and double Ls in his name.)
The Zodiac’s new symbol, , was equal to 14, with a value of two sevens. On November 27, 1969, the Zodiac’s original symbol (
) equaled 14. We know this because, both symbols were on the interior of the card, where the Zodiac wrote: “4-TEEN” (an effort to get detectives to connect numbers and words). At the bottom of the page, the Zodiac placed his new symbol,
. Also at the bottom of the page, he placed the letter Z (which, in this case, represented a sideways N) adjacent to his symbol (Z
): a compass pointing north (N), tilted on its side. N, the 14th letter of the English alphabet, equaled 14.
The envelope has a single Apollo 8 6-cent stamp.
EVENT 7. Shortly after receiving the Halloween Card, Paul Avery alleges an anonymous person mailed him a letter alerting him to similarities between the Zodiac’s activities and the unsolved Bates murder in Riverside, California.
· LETTER XV. March 13th, 1971 the Zodiac mailed his 16thletter to the L.A. times,
apparently to claim 17 victims, plus or minus (“ –17+”). (Two 6-cent stamps.)
In the letter, the Zodiac antagonizes the police for not catching him, and takes credit for the murder of Cheri Jo Bates in Riverside. This may or may not be true. But claiming credit for an earlier murder appears to have been part of the Zodiac’s original plan. The Zodiac told us when he started killing, when he wrote the dates of his first 3 murders on Bryan Hartnell’s car, in September 1969.
· Letter XVI. March 22, 1971, the Zodiac sent his “Sierra Card” to the Chronicle and
Paul Avery. The Zodiac used the card, for some reason, to indicate a reversal of time. The Zodiac did this by suddenly claiming only 11 victims, as he wrote “Sought victim 12” on the cover of the card –when he had claimed 17 victims 9 days earlier, in his letter to the LA Times –and when he claimed 13 victims in 8 months earlier, in his Little List Letter, July 26, 1970. The Zodiac further this reversal of time by placing a 4-cent stamp on the card (standard postal rates in the U.S. had not been 4-cents since 1958 –13 years prior), and by selecting a card with 19thcentury photo of the Lake Tahoe area, and by using old calligraphy in the address area. The card was not postmarked, but somehow delivered.
· LETTER XVII. January 29th, 1974, the Zodiac sent his final letter with any useful
clues. (I chose not to use this for the decipher process, but it’s still illuminating.) On the envelope, the Zodiac did not place a stamp in the designated box –leaving the Post Office’s reminder to “use Zip code” exposed (something the Zodiac never did). He used two stamps, one with a protractor-like symbol at the top, reading “MAIL EARLY IN THE DAY” (most of the Zodiac’s letters were stamped PM), and an 8-cent Eisenhower stamp, attached with stamp book information; no street, no address, no state, no city (“San Fran”), no zip.
The letter calls the Exorcist movie the best “saterical comidy” [sic]. The Zodiac dots the I of “satirical” with a small circle (reminding us of the Mount Diablo Code). He ends with a line from the poem The Suicide’s Grave, by WilliamSchweck Gilbert: “He plunged him self [sic] into the billowy wave and an echo arose from the suicides [sic] grave. Tit willotit willo tit willo.” At the bottom of the page, the Zodiac stamped several odd line segments with rounded ends, connected at angles.
The Zodiac hoped to inspire 2 things: (1) many copy-cat killers; (2) once his decoded ciphers were published, he hoped hundreds of thousands of people would race to discover his identity.
In the Zodiac’s first letter, he said his identity was in the cipher. When the cipher was broken, he concluded the boastful letter, saying, “I will not give you my name because you will try to sloi [sic] or atop [sic] me from my collectiog [sic] of slaves for my afterlife ebeorietemethhpiti.”
Although police investigators and America assumed the Zodiac had lied about revealing his identity, the 18 letters at the end of his the 408 cipher were a decipher identity confirmation key (decipher key), designed to reveal and confirm the killer’s identity, based on clues the Zodiac sent between December 20th, 1968, and March 13th, 1971.
It took me an hour or so to figure out how the decipher key worked, but finding the clues to confirm the killer’s identity took about a week. The most time-consuming aspects of all this were (1) trying convert all of this into something the average person can follow; (2) I preferred to visualized the Zodiac’s decipher master key linearly, but the Zodiac seemed to prefer to see it circularly, like a zodiac. Presenting the circular “time compass” was important to understanding the numerical clues and mixed messages in his letters (but the linear system is a better decipher tool). Reconstructing the Zodiac’s circular “time compass” was time-consuming.
The most important instrument to understanding and decoding the Zodiac’s key came on July 26th, 1970: the Phillips 66 map. The code on the map suggested a straight lines radiating to the right and left.
The next most important letter came in July, 1970, when the Zodiac referred to Count Diablo map as “The Mount Diablo Code.” The map was mailed 360 days (like 360 degrees) after his first letter was received (August 1st, 1969). He mentioned “Radians,” pie-shaped sections of a circle, determined by the length of a circle’s radius. The Zodiac was suggesting both circles and lines.
The decipher key is/are the 18 letters the Zodiac gave us at the end of his first cipher.
The master key is the tool you put the 18 letters into confirm the killer’s identity.
Initially, I visualized the 18 decipher key letters linked to the killer’s 18-letter full name by a numerical interval. This created 3 lines, one for the decipher key letters, one for the killer’s name, one for the numerical interval between them.
This was well-reasoned, but such a simple tool might allow several correct answers, and would only have 2 points of verification (1 point, if the killer was not creative).
So I added a fourth row, and predicted (correctly) that the very intelligent killer would add the interval between the decipher key letters and his name to the numerical total of the original decipher key letter, to create a third confirmation point. (Don’t worry if you don’t completely follow this. If this were easy, it would have been solved 53 years ago.)
After a week or so, when I reflected on the killer’s interest in numbers and sequence, I decided that the column number (the sequence) would be part of the decipher master key also. This created 4-points of verification for each letter.
Here’ how my linear decipher master key lays out (it’s conceptual, so is can be done different ways): Create a grid of blank spaces, 18 spaces long (horizontally), and 5 columns vertically. Next, put the 18 letters of the Zodiac’s decipher key, in sequence, in the third row from the top. The bottom (5th) row is where the murderer’s 18-letter name will go. All suspects must have 18 letters in their FULL names; if not, they are not suspects.
Also, on page 7, you may have noticed the two I’s and the 0 in the sixth position. This is based on directions in the Zodiac’s June 1970 Mount Diablo Code map. Thus, if your suspect does not have an “i” in the 6thposition of his/her full name, he/she is off the hook.
We then use the Zodiac’s decipher clues(found in his letters) to confirm the letters of the murderers’ name. Doing this, without knowing the murderers name is possible, but slow and unlikely. Thus, the Zodiac hoped the public would read his letters and code, and someone might visualize a decipher key, and share it with the media. This, would cause the frightened public to enter the names of all people with 18 letters in their names, until the right name was confirmed with the Zodiac’s confirmation clues. In theory.
So, after you have the column number (or sequence numbers) on the top, and the decipher key letters in the third row, and your suspect’s 18-letter name in the bottom row (any name can be entered in reverse, if you wish), you will then have all blank spaces in the second and the fourth rows. In the fourth row, you enter the numerical distance between a letter in the decipher key tothe corresponding letter of your suspect’s name, below. Count forward. If your suspects name begins with “A”, you count 22 spaces forward from “E”, the first letter in the decipher key, to the end of the alphabet, and back to A; enter the number 22 in row 4, first column (from the left). BUT, if the first letter of your suspect’s name is “P”, count 11 spaces from E to P; put an 11 in the column 1, row 4. Do this for every letter of you suspect’s name.
Next, add the individual numbers in row 4, to the numerical eqivalent of the corresponding letters in the decipher key (A=1, M=13), and put that sum in row 2. This is the “principal number.” Do this in every column.
The Zodiac’s Alphanumerical Time Compass
The Zodiac created a circular zodiac-like decipher master keytool (likely related to Satanism) to help identify himself, presented on the following pages. I often refer to the Zodiac’s circular decipher master key as his “time compass.” The Zodiac’s compasshad at least 6 features/functions: (1) it divided a circle into 18 segments of 20 degrees, numbered consecutively, clockwise; (2) it incorporated letters corresponding to the numerical division (A=1, B=2…); (3) separate numbers marked 12 positions, like a clock –to record a 12 month cycle (or conventional hours); (5) the compass integrated the killer’s 18-letter name; (6) the compass also integrated the Zodiac’s 18-letter decipher key letters.
I’m not sure what the Zodiac’s time compass looked like, but I’m sure it looked somewhat like the time compass above. Outermost from the circle are 12 points of a clock –which primarily represent the months of a year, but can also plot hours. Closer to the rim are the Zodiac’s 18 numerical divisions (in black), and corresponding letters (red). [The numbers highlighted in blue are not important (they can be arranged in any interval, for various purposes).]
In his June 26th, 1970 Mount Diablo Code, the Zodiac drew his symbol with a 6 at the base, with the vertical line pointing up to the O and 0 (zero). That was one of several times the Zodiac claimed to be 6, I (i), 1, O and 0. In that same code, the Zodiac claimed the 3 to the right and 9 to the left. He also claimed M (his symbol in the 340 code), and claimed N, and D (his symbol in the 408 code), and 13, 14, 12, 9, 4 and Z. All of this was also an effort to help investigators solve his code, where most letters had two or more symbols.
On the time compass, if you draw vertical line from the bottom 6, 9 and I position, up to the O/0/12 and 18 position at the top, that line assumes the values of 6, 9, I, O, 12 and 18. The Zodiac claimed all of these numbers and letters. If you look to the far left, you see there is no 18th division precisely at 9-o’clock, thus, 9-o’clock represents 9, 13, 14, M and N; and on the right, 3pm represents 3, 4, 5, D and E. The Zodiac claimed most of these. This is what the Zodiac was signaling. (For the record, I find the circular time compass creepy, and deciphered the killer’s name entirely on the linear master key).
The Zodiac’s Identity Revealed
The Zodiac’s identity is revealed in his time compass, below –John William Gardner (US statesman and corporate leader). His first and middle names begin at the top,or the 0, O or 12 position, and rotate down clockwise. His last name is backward, and starts from the 0,O,12 position and rotates left. (The reversed last name is connected to the larger Zodiac story and was telegraphed by theThe letters in the center are the 18 letters, of the decipher key (e, b, e, o, r, i, e, t, e, m, e, t, h, h, p, i, t, i), starting between 0 and 1, rotating clockwise.
Above, notice the word “ME” in the 11th position (at 7 o’clock), running to the center. Also notice the word “ERMAIL”, running counter clockwise, from the 13thposition to the 7th, and notice the letter sequence “WILLI”, running from 3 to 6 o’clock. These things will matter later. The circular system staged Gardner’s name nicely. The top 8 letters read dragJohn–hence, the Zodiac’s famous DragonCard; a clue to police.
John William Gardner was the Zodiac; former president of the Carnegie Corporation, former U.S. Secretary of Health Education and Welfare statesman. But the man behind the Zodiac is many magnitudes more terrifying than the Zodiac killer.
To finish verifying Gardners identity, we have to use the decipher master key and go through the Zodiac’s clues. To do that, I’ll use my linear decipher key, because the circular compass is hard to read, as it gets smaller toward the center –and it’s creepy.
BACKGROUND: Revelation
In 2023 and 2024, I became the first person to solve all of the mysteries of the Bible’s book of Revelation –so I thought. I published those solutions on my website (www.TheZoneResistance.com). But, oddly, when I was deciphering the Zodiac’s identity, everything the Zodiac was doing with his code seemed familiar… The Zodiac was copying the formula of Revelation’s Prayer, Song and Ceremonytimeline, and copying Revelation’s use of multiple confirmation keys to confirm events, etc. He even emphasized most of the same numbers as Revelation. [NOTE: In the original versions of this Zodiac report, at this point is the story, I credited Gardner with having solved much of Revelation. But now the evidence suggests Freemasonry and/or similar purportedly Satanic secret societies solved a substantial percentage -at least half- of Revelation’s solutions, and Gardner just help solve the Chapter 18 Destruction day. At the end of this report, I’ll explain why I’m sure Gardner and Freemasonry did NOT solve some of the most important Revelation mysteries.]
With his Revelation solutions, however he obtained them, Gardner used his coded letters to emulate coded chapters of Revelation. There were the Prayer, Song and Ceremony and the confirmation keyparallels, which were almost subtext; but there were also overt parallels: while God, Jesus and John used Revelation to reveal constructive messages, the Zodiac used his coded messages to try to incite Americans to become Zodiac-button-wearing mass murderers and bombers, etc. And there were numerical parallels… Revelation uses numbers symbolically. God is represented by 1 and 7; Jesus is represented by 5 and 8. Revelation emphasizes ten numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13. The Zodiac copied all of this, by also emphasizing ten numbers (6, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14), and several alphabetical letters. But all of the numbers and letter just represented the Zodiac.
But the reasonthe Zodiac claimed so many numerical and alphabetical identities was the terrifying part –at least if you believe in justice, law and order.
The Zodiac’s Many Identities
In his first letter, the Zodiac stated: “in this cipher is my identity.”
Investigators and the world took that to mean his true identity was in the cipher. His true identity was hidden in the cipher, but to be revealed with a simple decipher key.
Beginning in the summer of 1969, for the next 1.5 years, the Zodiac began simultaneously revealing clues about his true identity, and claiming many more alphanumerical and symbolic identities.
Claiming these new and many identities was a huge clue about the killer’s identity.
The Zodiac’s Decipher Master Key Identity Confirmation Game
Above is the complete decipher master key. You may prefer the circular “time compass”, on page 10. Here’s what to know about the numbers, letters, rows and columns:
· The numbers in row 1 are column numbers; part of the identity confirmation process.
· Row 2 (red numbers) are the principal numbers, the sum of the letter (A=1, M=13, Z=2) in the decipher key (row 3) and the number in row 4. Thus, following the instructions to the left of the key (above), in column 4, it is 25 steps from O in row 3, to N in row 4, so add the value of O (15) in row 3, to 25 in row 4; and put 40 in row 2.
· The letters in row 3 are the decipher key letters. (NOTE: The decipher key letters to do not factor into confirmation –only their corresponding numerical value A=1, Z=2)
· The numbers in row 4 are the central numbers, the number of steps from a letter in row 3, to the corresponding letter of the killer’s name, in row 5 (count forward; T to B is 8).
· Row 5 is the true name of the Zodiac: John William Gardner (last name reversed).
As letters of the killer’s name are confirmed, panels will change color.
Four Point Confirmation System
In Revelation, God and Jesus created a brilliant, discrete system of verification, with many points of confirmation.
The Zodiac (John W Gardner) borrowed this. Every letter in the killer’s name must be verified by all numbers in rows 1, 2, 3 and 4 (convert letters to numbers). If a number occurs twice, you must explain both instances of the numbers. You must explain what related major Zodiac letter or event the numbers in each row refer to, then explain the significance of each of the 4 numbers. The numbers should refer to widely known facts.
The first instructions the Zodiac gave to decipher his name came in the June 26th, 1970 Mount Diablo Code (MDC) map and a letter. The letter portion of the MDC package provided twoverification keys (actionable clues) to confirm 2 letters of the Zodiac’s name in the decipher master key. But the map portion of the package provided verification keys for 5 more letters/positions. The remaining 11 letters are verified by various other ciphers and letters and their envelopes.
The Little List Letter contained a lengthy poem/lyrics, which concludes on page 5, with somewhat discrete directions on how to use the MDC to find the Zodiac’s identity:
…But the task of filling up the blanks, I rather leave to you.
But it really doesn’t matter whom you place upon the list,
for none of them be missed, none of them be missed.
April 1970, 16 months after his first murder, the Zodiac began slowly releasing clues that might identify him (but seemingly only if a person had access to all of the police records and relevant news reports). The Zodiac continued to release clues until March 1971. This said, there were NOT enough available clues to confirm the Zodiac’s identity until between October 1970 and March 1971.
The Zodiac thrice mentioned radians, because some of his confirmation keys pertain to events in a general event area. In his Mount Diablo Code map, his north arrow pointed slightly away from the Benicia/Vallejo area, where his murders began, but if you turned the arrow a radian (57degrees), or a half radian, left, it pointed in the general direction of his first 2 attacks (3 murders). Similarly, his confirmation keys (clues) pertain to geographical regions, times of the year (months, seasons), or chronological periods.
The confirmation master key creates an 18-panel timeline, composed of a mix of 12 general-Zodiac-knowledge panels, 3 cipher and code magic panels (which fall on 6, 12 and 18 [6+6+6]), and 3 gun murder panels. All panels are confirmed by at least 4 points of verification. Many panels are also reinforced by additional verification. The event sequence of the decipher master key begins with the Zodiac’s first murder scene (panel #1). Panels 1 to 7 pertain to the radian of Zodiac’s first 2 murder scenes. Positions 1-5 share an emphasis on the number 5. Panel 8 concerns the Zodiac’s debut. Panels 9 to 18, generally, are in the time and event radianof the Zodiac’s next two murder scenes (except for the two cipher panels, 12 and 18). Panels 13 to 18 are in reverse order.
· June 26th, 1970, the MDC map and letter gave instructions to find 7 letters of the
killer’s name, including the giveaway clue –an I in the sixth position of the killer’s name. These clues led to everything else. Thus, I’ll start with 6 of the 7 positions (letters) provided by the MDC (I’ll save position 7 for the gun murder mysteries section).
The MDC indicates the killer had an I in the 6th position of his name; expressed by adding an arrow to the top of the vertical crosshair of the Zodiac’s symbol, pointing to a small O/0, suggesting a lower case “i”. To indicate the sixth position, the Code placed a 6 under the base of the vertical crosshair. The zero, above, also indicated there were no steps from the decipher key letter to the corresponding letter of the killer’s name. This indicated that at the 6th positions of the killer’s name AND the decipher key, there was an I. Consistent with this, the name John William Gardner has an “I” in the sixth position.
So, we begin. (The words “position”, “column” and “panel” are interchangeable.)
1. Position 6. The 4 confirmation numbers of position 6 are: 6(column number, row 1), 9 (row 2), 9 (I –row 3), 0 (row 4). Here’s what the numbers represent:
a. 6 represents the root of the Number of the Beast: 666. The Zodiac (John William Gardner) was telling us that he was the Beast, similar to the Devil. The Zodiac reinforced and emphasized this with 4 supporting facts:
i. The Zodiac wrote the MDC code above on a map –above Mount Diablo (Devil).
ii. The Zodiac wrote his Mount Diablo Code on a Phillip’s 66 map.
iii. The MDC letter/map was mailed on June 26th, 1970. June is the 6th month, the number 26 represents 2x6, or 66 (2 sixes). Together, these numbers are 666.
iv. A month later, July 26th, 1970, on page 5 of his Little List Letter, the Zodiac first referred to the MDC as the “Mount Diablo Code”, and put the word “Diablo” in the center of the circle of his symbol –the Zodiac was the Devil.
b. 9 and 6represent the bottom position of the circular time compass. At this position, 9 and 6 are the same. The Zodiac was saying 6 is 9, and 9 is 6, and they can be seen as the same (as he saw them).
c. 9. The number 9 represents the letter I (the 9thletter of the alphabet), and an upside-down 6. The Zodiac was claiming the identity 9 and I –and 6. The Zodiac first claimed the identity “9” seven months earlier, in his letter to Melvin Belli (“…if I hold back too long from no nineI will loose [sic] all control…”). I was the first identity the Zodiac claimed, in his first 3 letters. Irepresents the vertical crosshair of the Zodiac’s gun sight symbol, AND represents an “eye” that looks through the gun sight (emphasizing the Zodiac’s unusual perspective). This is reinforced by the fact that in the MDC, the Zodiac drew the vertical crosshair with an arrow at the top, pointing to a 0 (zero) and an O, creating a lower case “I”.
d. 0. The Zodiac repeatedly claimed the identity “O” (or 0 –zero), or a circle –a central aspect of his symbol (). The Zodiac did this again, in the MDC, by adding an arrow to the vertical crosshair of his symbol, pointing to an O and/or a 0 (zero). Thus, the Zodiac claimed 0 and O, and “i” (or I).
4-point match confirmed at the 6th position. (I)
2. Position 2. Ordinarily, in navigational directions, like the MDC map, you might expect the direction to read “O is set to Mag [magnetic] N.” But the Zodiac wrote; “O is set to beMag N.” This was as direction that the B in the second position of the decipher key was to be placed opposite an O (“O is set to [two] B”). Thus, the MDC map provided verified two of position 2’s confirmation numbers: 15 (O) and 2 (B).
a. 15. In relation to the first murder, the Zodiac saw 15 divided into 1 and 5. 1 represented the number times the Zodiac shot David Faraday (the Zodiac’s first victim, based on Faraday’s body’s distance from the car), and 5 represented the number of times the Zodiac shot the Betty Lou Jenson. 15 also represented the letter O –the center of the Zodiac’s gun sight symbol. At the first murder scene, the Zodiac used a very advanced “electric” gun sight, attached to the barrel of his gun, which cast a small “O” shape light onto his target/victims. When the O was on the target, the Zodiac just needed to pull the trigger (see page 3 of the Zodiac’s August 4th, 1969 letter; page 7 of his November 9th, 1969, Bus Bomb Letter).
b. 2. In row 3, the letter B was a hint that the letters in the decipher key had numerical values based on A=1/Z=26 code. The letter B (representing the number 2) was selected, because panels 1 to 7 are in the radian of the Zodiac’s first 2murder scenes, in Vallejo and Benicia. First step verification confirmed.
· Position 2, part 2. The confirmation numbers in position 2 are: 2 (row 1), 15 (row 2), 2 (B –row 3), 13 (row 4). The row 2 and 3 numbers (2 and 15) were previously addressed. Here’s what the remaining numbers (2 and 13) represent:
c. 2 represents the number of people the Zodiac killed at the scene of his first attack.
d. 13 represented the letter M, for “murderer” –the Zodiac’s first reference to himself, in his first letter. Also, the Zodiac’s symbol represented an M in his second cipher. In connection to all 4 of the Zodiac’s murder scenes, 13 represented the numbers 1 and 3, meaning, the first murder scene was 1 of 3 murder scenes in which the Zodiac killed with a gun.
4-point match confirmed at the 2nd position. (O)
3. Position 4. In the Mount Diablo Code map, the top of the vertical crosshair of the Zodiac’s symbol is near to, and points to, a zero and/or an O. That same 0/O is part of a sentence that reads “O is to be set to Mag. N.” This is an instruction that the O in the decipher key (in the fourth position) is to be placed opposite of an N, as it is with the name John William Gardner (with an N is the fourth position) entered in the fifth row of the decipher master key. First step verification confirmed.
· Position 4, part 2. Position 4 is halfway between panels #1 (the Zodiac’s first crime scene, in Benicia) and panel #7 (the Zodiac’s second crimes scene, in nearby Vallejo), because position #4 concerns the radian of both murder scenes. Position 4‘s confirmation numbers are: 4(column number, row 1), 40 (row 2), 15 (O –row 3), and 25 (row 4). Here’s what the number represent:
a. 4 represents the number of people attacked, killed or seriously wounded, at the scenes of the Zodiac’s first two attacks.
b. 40 represents the 4 most noted factors of 10 at the first murder scene: 10 shots fired, Super X bullets (X is the Roman numeral for 10); the incident occurred on the 20th day of December; the prefix “Dec” is the Latin for “ten”.
c. 15. Represents the first (1) murder location, and the multiples of 5 connected to the first murder. In addition to 5 being a divisor of all of the previously cited 10s at first murder scene, Betty Lou Jenson was shot 5 times, and the incident occurred on the 355thnight of the year (leap year, December 20th, 1968).
d. 25. 25 represents the second (2) murder scene and the multiples of 5 connected to it. At the second scene, the Zodiac initially fired 5bullets through the window. Police report the event occurred at 12:10 a.m., July 5th, although many people (including the Zodiac –whose opinion is primary in hismystery) say the event occurred before midnight, July 4th. July 4th, 1969, was the 185th day of the year.
4-point match confirmed at the 4th position. (N)
· During my research, I was not able to find the number of bullets fired at the second location. 9 is suggested, but Ferrin’s body had 9 bullet entry wounds, and Mageau was shot 4 times.
4. Position 9. The right arrow of the Zodiac’s symbol on the MDC map points to a 3. This was to say 3 steps to the right is another I. And yes, three steps to the right, in the 9th column is another I. First step verification confirmed.
· Position 9, part 2. The position 9 confirmation numbers are: 9 (column number, row 1), 9 (row 2), 5 (E –row 3), 4 (row 4). Here’s what the numbers represent:
a. 9 represents September.
b. 9 also represents the year 1969.
· Together, these two 9s, 9/9, represent the Zodiac’s September 1969 attack at Lake Berryessa, 9/27/69. Together, these two 9’s also represent an upside-down 66.
c. 5 in row 3, and 4 in row 4, combine to form 45, the caliber of gun that Bryan Hartnell (survivor of this attack) said the Zodiac carried. 4, which was emphasized by also being placed in the 4th row, also represents the number of people the Zodiac was confirmed to have killed after his September 1969 attack.
4-point match confirmed at the 9th position. (I)
5. Position 8. The 8thposition represents the Zodiac’s June 26th, 1970 Mount Diablo Code (MDC) map and letter, and events occurring in the time radian of summer, 1970. In the MDC letter, the Zodiac said, “I shot a man sitting in a parked car with a .38.” The 4 confirmation numbers of position 8 are: 8 (column number, row 1), 38(row 2), 20 (T –row 3), 18 (row 4). Here’s what numbers represent:
a. 8: The June 26th, 1970, MDC letter is 8 sentences long.
b. 38. In the letter portion of the June 26th, 1970 MDC letter, the Zodiac wrote, “I shot a man sitting in a car with a 38.”
c. 20. The Zodiac wrote 20 symbols (letters, numbers, his symbol) on the MDC map.
d. 18: On the Phillips 66 map, where the code is written, the sum of the 4 numbers (0, 3, 6, 9) surrounding the Zodiac’s symbol is 18.
4-point match confirmed at the 8th position. (L).
6. Position 15. The left arrow of the Zodiac’s symbol on the MDC map points to a 9. This was to say a letter that is also an I, or equal to an I, is 9 positions to the left of the Iin the 6th position. To check this, move 5 positions to the right, then skip to the other end of the decipher master key, and count 4 more steps, to the 15th position. The D on the bottom line is a match because when the Zodiac mailed his first cipher (the 408), he did not use the name Zodiac, he referred to himself as the murderer and as “I” (7 times), but in the cipher, his symbol () represented a D. Thus D=I.
First step verification confirmed.
· Position 15, part 2.Position 15 pertains to the Zodiac’s “Little List Letter” (LLL), postmarked July 26th, 1970. The 5-page LLL included 3 pages of lyrics from Gilbert and Sullivan’s Little List song, from “The Mikado.” The Little List song is unusual because it has 3 verses that are 5 phraseslong (a phrase is 2 lines). 5 phrases is unusual because usually phrases occur in multiples of 2. The unusual phrase structure of the LLL is the focus of position 15. Position 15’s confirmation numbers are: 15 (column number, row 1), 30(row 2), 16 (P –row 3), 14 (row 4). These numbers represent:
a. 15 is the number of verse phrases in the Little List song (and the Zodiac’s poem).
b. 30 represents two things: (1) the number of lines (2 per phrase) in the Little List song (and the Zodiac’s LL poem); (2) the LLL was postmarked 30 days after the MDC letter/map (significant because the MDC code and LLL contain the major clues that solve the Zodiac’s identity decipher key).
c. 16 is the number of letters in the phrase/title“Little List Letter”. 16 is also the number of misspellings in the Little List poem section of the LLL.
d. 14 represents 2 things: (1) The number of different words (and pseudo-words) with double letters that appear in the Little List poem portion of the letter: little, irritating, missed, dress, kissed, hammerest, funny, fellows, well, filling, all, flabby, offender, implatt; (2) excluding double-letter words, there are 14 misspellings in the Zodiac’s Little List poem: hapen, victom, nucences, whrite, shakeing, orginast, pepermint, phomphit, provences, abnolily, shure, uncompromiseing, impriest, phraises. The misspelling of “phraise” was a tip that the phrases of the Little List poem were central to this mystery –and solving the Zodiac’s identity.
4-point match confirmed at the 15th position. (D).
2. Position 5. July 26th, 1970, the Zodiac mailed his Little List Letter (LLL) –although he actually first used the term little list in his Kathleen Johns letter. In the LLL the Zodiac suggested filling up the blank spaces (with letters of suspects’ names), and he referred to the contents of his June 26th, 1970 map and letter as the Mount Diablo Code (MDC). To reveal the position of a letter, on page 5, the Zodiac wrote: “PS. The Mount Diablo Code concerns Radians &#inches along the radians” (with an arrow below the number sign, pointing at the number sign; and the “R” in the word Radian unnecessarily capitalized). This was a general instruction on how to use the 18 letters of the name confirmation decipher key (by first counting steps between letters…), and it was a specific instruction that the R in the 5th position (page 5) of the decipher key was to be five steps (also page 5) from the corresponding letter of the killer’s name, as it is with the name of John William Gardner (there are 5 steps from R to W, in the 5th position). First step verification confirmed.
· Position 5, part 2. The numbers in position 5, rows 1, 3 and 4 have been explained; only the 23remains unexplained. Panels 1 through 7 pertain to the Zodiac’s first two murder scenes (in Vallejo and Benicia). The Zodiac views the number 23 broken into two separate numbers: 2 and 3. The number 2represents the 2 murder locations, the 3represents the 3 peopled killed at the first two murder locations.
4-point match confirmed at the 5th position. (W).
3. Position 18 (Paradice). The Zodiac’s first cipher, the “408 cipher”, published August 1st, 1969, was cracked 4 days later, August 5th. At the time, people were surprised that such a smart murderer could not spell paradise. But this misspelling was deliberate –one of the Zodiac’s most important clues. “Paradice” means “pair of dice”, or 24 (the number in column 18, row 4). A few decades ago, when Gardner was alive, dice meant two dies (or two dice), and “die” meant one (today often people often say “dice” to refer to one die). Thus, when the Zodiac said “dice”, he meant 2 dies, with a max value of 12 (two sixes); but a pair of dice had a max value of 24. Hopefully you wonder: Why did the Zodiac make a pair of dice reference? Solution: L is the 12thletter of the alphabet. The word Hellends with double L’s; the double L’s in Hell represent a pair of dice; a celebration of Hell and a clue about the double L’s in the killer’s middle name. There are two places where there is a 24 in row 4 of the decipher master key. The paradice reference in the 408 cipher connects to the 24 in row 4 of column 18, and is intended to confirm a match at position 12, because all of the confirmation numbers in the 18th column (9, 18, 24, 33) are divisible by 3. The number 408 is also divisible by 3. Three relates to the 408 cipher, because the 408 cipher was divided into 3 different ciphers (8 lines each, totaling 24 lines), mailed to 3 different newspapers. 4-point match confirmed at the 18th position. (G)
4. Position 12 (Paradice 2). November 8th, 1969, the Zodiac mailed his 340 cipher (unsolved until 2020), with his Dripping Pen card, to the San Francisco Chronicle. In the cipher, the Zodiac spelled paradise incorrectly three times, including in the phrase “to paradice,” which likely meant “two pair of dice” (a theory). Like the previous confirmation key, paradice means “pair of dice,” with a max value of 24. The pair of dice referred to in the 340 cipher connects to the 24 in column 12, row 4, because all of the confirmation numbers in the 12thcolumn (12, 20, 24, 44), are divisible by 4. 340 is also divisible by 4. 4-point match confirmed at the 12thposition (R).
The Gun Murder Timeline Mystery
The Zodiac’s symbol is a circle and crosshairs, as you might see in a telescopic gun sight; thus, the symbol is connected to guns. The Zodiac’s decipher key makes a timeline of the 3 attacks in which the Zodiac murdered with a gun. In his letters, the Zodiac discretely referenced these attacks using his symbol, adjacent to a subtraction sign (–) or an equal sign (=), followed by a number. These conjoined symbols are =10,
–12, and
=13. In the gun murder mysteries, the detective (me) is supposed to reveal why the numbers 10, 12 or 13 are linked to the Zodiac’s symbol with an equal (=) or a subtraction (–) sign.
5. Position 1. The first time the Zodiac placed his symbol adjacent to a mathematical sign was April 20th, 1970, on a bomb diagram, when he wrote “=10,” which meant 10 (and its parts, 1 and 0) are equal to, or part of, the Zodiac: “J” is the 10th letter of the alphabet, and first letter of the killer’s first name; there are many 10s connected to the first murder scene. April 20th, 1970, and December 20th, 1968 (the date of the Zodiac’s first murder), share the number 20. This mystery about multiples 10 and 5, to remember the Zodiac’s firstmurder. The confirmation numbers of position 1 are: 1 (row 1), 10 (row 2), 5 (E –row 3), 5 (row 4). These numbers represent:
a. 1 represents the night of Zodiac’s first murder.
b. 10 represents the many factors of 10 connected to the first murder: 10 bullets fired; the Zodiac used Super X bullets (X is the Roman numeral for 10); the murder occurred on the 20th; the prefix “dec” (December) is Latin for 10.
c. 5 represents the number of times the Zodiac shot Betty Lou Jensen.
d. 5 is the most ubiquitous factor at the first murder scene: 5. 5 divides into all of the previously mentioned 10s, and is a divisor of 355 –the murder occurred on the 355th day of 1968. 4-point match confirmed at the 1st position. (J)
6. Position 7. In the Zodiac’s June 26th, 1970 MDC letter (wrongly called the Button Letter), he wrote “–12”. The solution to position 7 explains why the Zodiac put a subtraction sign before the 12. The confirmation numbers in position 7 are: 7(row 1), 12 (row 2), 5 (E –row 3), 7 (row 4). Here’s what the numbers mean… July 4th or 5th, 1969, the Zodiac killed Darlene Ferrin and wounded her male companion. Because it was so close to midnight, it is uncertain if she was killed on Friday the 4th, or Saturday the 5th of July. The police ruled she was killed Saturday the 5th, at 12:10 a.m. The 7in row 1 represents Saturday, the day police ruled Ferrin died. In row 3, the E (5) represents the 5th day of the month. The 12 in row 2 represents midnight, and the 7 in row 4 represents July. The Zodiac used the subtraction symbol before the 12 (
–12) to say Ferrin was killed before midnight, on the 4th. The Zodiac also said Ferrin was killed on July 4th in his first letter (July 31st, 1969), and in his September 27th, 1969 car note. 4-point match confirmed at the 7th position. (L)
7. Position 11. July 26th, 1970, page 2 of the Little List Letter, the Zodiac wrote: “=13”, to confirm an M (the 13th letter) in the 11th position of his name. But position 11 actually remembers the killing of Paul Stine. The relevant numbers in column 11 are: 11 (row 1), 13 (row 2), 5 (E –row 3), 8 (row 4). Paul Stine was killed October 11th, 1969, at approximately 9:55. Thus, column 11 represents BOTH the day of the month Stine was murdered, and the 11 calendar months from the Zodiac’s first murder to Stine’s murder. 8represents the prefix “Oct” in October, meaning “eight” in Latin. 5 represents the two 5’s in 9:55, the time of Stine’s murder. 13reflects the fact that on October 13th, 1969, the Zodiac mailed his “Stine Letter”, taking blame for Stine’s murder. The meaning of “
=13” is… The Zodiac saw himself as “M” and its alphanumeric equivalent, “13”. Thus, in his second cipher, the Zodiac’s symbol represented an M. Although the Zodiac killed Paul Stine on October 11th, he waited to claim the crime until October 13th. The symbolic sequence “
=13” reflects that, from the letter Z (one of the Zodiac’s personal identifier), forward or backwards, it is 13 steps to the letter M. (Position 11 confirms the M in the Killer’s middle name). 4-point match confirmed at the 11th position. (M)
The Halloween Card “Reversal” Connection
The circular time compass and linear decipher master key both feel like game boards. When we look at the Zodiac’s time compass (page 10), panels 1-11 are meant to be viewed clockwise, but the Zodiac’s last name (panels 13-18) is intended to be viewed in reverse. The Zodiac’s Halloween Card, at panel 10, initiates this time reversal; first causing the 11th panel to be slightly out of sequence; then panels 13 to 18 are completely sequentially reversed. This is because Halloween comes from “Allhallowtide”, a date for remembering (looking back at) the dead. The Halloween Card also connects the Zodiac’s 3rd and 4th murders to his first 2 murders. In the Halloween Card, there are 4 symbols (3 on the card, 1 on the envelope), intended to awardkey panels, to “celebrate” 2 of the Zodiac’s murders, and 2 aspects of the Halloween Card itself. (In life, Gardner loved bogus awards and medals.) [All of this copies various occasions in Revelation when God reverses or accelerates time –and stridently copies Chapter 17, when God remembers Babylon.]
8. Position 10. October 27th, 1970, the Zodiac mailed his Halloween Card. This event, in the 10thpanel, is situated near Paul Stine’s murder (panel 11) because of their proximity on an annual 12-month Calendar (Paul Stine was killed on October 11th, the Halloween card was mailed on October 27th). The confirmation numbers of position 10 are: 10 (column number, row 1), 27 (row 2), 13 (M –row 3), and 14 (row 4). How these numbers relate to the Halloween Card is: (1) 10 represents October (the month the Halloween Card was mailed, and the month Paul Stine was killed).; (2) 27 represents the 27thday of October (the day of the month that the card was mailed), AND represents the two 7’s in the Zodiac’s new symbol: ; (3) 13 represents the day of the month (October 13th, 1969) when the Zodiac mailed the SF Chronicle to take credit for killing Paul Stine; (4) 14 represents the fact Paul Stine was killed 14 days after the Zodiac’s September 27th, 1969 attack, AND represents the fact that the Halloween Card was mailed 14 days after the Zodiac admitted to Stine’s murder, AND 14 is honored in the Halloween Card by 2 separate symbols (
and 4-TEEN). 4-point match confirmed at the 10thposition. (A)
9. Position 10, Bonus Halloween Confirmation. The Zodiac’s Halloween card was intended to award the symbol to the 10th panel, to celebrate 4 things: (1) the 2 L’s in middle of the word Halloween; (2) the 2 L’s in the Zodiac’s true middle name (William); (3) the two 7’s suggested by the number 27, in row 2; (4) the number 14, in row 4. (5th point of verification at the 10th position.)
10. Position 4, Bonus Halloween Confirmation. On the envelope of his Halloween card the Zodiac used this symbol: . As explained earlier, the upper portion of the symbol represents two 7’s (one backward and converted into an F –to represent the F in the word-root “four” –of 14). Together, the two 7’s represented 14. The symbol honors the two LL’s (upside-down 7’s) in the 7th and 8th position of Gardner’s name. The Z, for Zodiac, was intended to represent 26. Together, these symbols represent the number 40. This conjoined symbol was intended to confirm (yet again) the 4th panel, where the number 40 is in row 2. The reason 40 connects to the 4th panel is because the 4th panel is exactly in the middle of (in the radian of) the Zodiac’s first two murder scenes. The first murder is linked to the symbol by the number 40 and by the 4 multiples of 10 connected to the murder –10 shots fired, Super X bullets, the crime was committed on the 20th of the month, the prefix “dec”, of December, means 10. The second murder is linked to the symbol by the in the two 7’s in the symbol –as the second murder was committed in July (the 7th month), and was officially ruled to have occurred on Saturday, the 7th day of the week (although it may have actually occurred on Friday). (5thand 6th points of verification point at the 4thposition.)
11. Position 3. Panel #3 is the center of the “radian” of the first 5 panels. The first 5 panels have the number 5 in common –and at least one confirmation number that is a multiple of 5 –with the exception of panel 3. Although panel 3 does not have a visible multiple of 5, it links to a Zodiac postal letter that has many numbers and symbols that are multiples of 5. Position 3 links to the December 20th, 1969, Melvin Belli Letter, mailed on the first anniversary of the Zodiac’s first murder. The numbers that are multiples of 5 in the Belli letter are the date, December 20th, 1969; the root “dec” in December; there is a large X (Roman numeral 10) on the back of the envelope; the letter contains a reference to a “tenth victom” [sic]; and the envelope has five capital M’s (the Roman numeral for 1000). But the numbers that matter in column 3 are: 3 (the column number, row 1), 8 (row 2), 5 (E –row 3), and another 3 (row 4). Here’s how the numbers link to the Melvin Belli Letter:
a. 3. The Post Office likes to see a 3-line address, but on 5 of the Zodiac’s first 6 envelopes, he provided very substandard addresses, on just two lines; and each of the Zodiac’s first 6 letters had at least 3 substantial address problems. But on the Zodiac’s 7th letter, he provided a 3-line address, with only 2 address issues (no zip, and the street name was indecipherable).
b. 3. The Zodiac placed six 1-cent stamps on the envelope, which is 3 times the number of stamps he tended to use (he usually used two 6-cent stamps).
c. 8. In the letter the Zodiac used 8 periods –although he wrote about 12 sentences.
d. 5. The link to the number 5 is the fact that there are 5 capital M’s on the envelope (including the back of the envelope).
4-point match confirmed at the 3rd position. (H)
The Reverse Panels
Because of the Halloween card, time fully reverses between the 13th to 18th panels. Thus, positions 13 to 18 run backwards (position 18 occurs on July 31st, 1969; position 13 occurs on March 13th, 1971). This reversal is why Gardner’s last name is backward in the master key.
· Remember, the March 22, 1971 Sierra Card clearly signaled this time reversal. (See page 6.)
12. Position 17. Position 17 is a retrospective panel of the Zodiac’s first 3 crime scenes, which involve very young people. Panel 17 emphasizes the number 7. Position 17’s confirmation numbers are: 17 (row `1), 27 (row 2), 20 (T –row 3), and 7 (row 4).
a. 17 represents the 1st victim of 7–and the first person shot by the Zodiac, David Faraday, who was 17 when the Zodiac murdered him.
b. 27 represents two 7’s – 77, the combined age of the first 4 people the Zodiac murdered (David Faraday: 17; Betty Lou Jensen: 16; Darlene Ferrin: 22; Cecelia Ann Shepard: 22).
c. 20 was the age of Bryan Hartnell, survivor, and the first person stabbed by the Zodiac, in the September 27th, 1969 attack.
d. 7 is the number of confirmed Zodiac victims (5 killed, 2 survivors).
4-pont match confirmed at the 17th position. (A)
13. Position 17, Bonus “Halloween” Confirmation. Position 17 remembers the Zodiac’s third attack, at Lake Berryessa, where the committed his fourth murder. Keeping with the Zodiac’s unsettling retrospective, the Berryessa assault is intended to be remembered with the symbol 4-TEEN (as seen on the top of his notorious Halloween Card). This symbol refers to the 4 TEEN-agers (2 teens and two young adults) whom the Zodiac killed in his first 3 attacks. The Halloween “award” is awarded to position 17, to remember one of the saddest Zodiac facts: The average age of the first four people the Zodiac murdered was 19.25 –nineteen; thus, 4-TEEN. (Demented.) Fifth and 6th points of verification at the 17th position.
14. Position 16. The Bus Bomb letter was mailed November 9th, 1969. The Latin root of November means nine; thus, 999. To the Zodiac, Nov/9/9 represented 666, the number of the beast, upside-down. The confirmation numbers in row 16 are: 16(column number, row 1); 18 (row 2), 9 (I –row 3) and 9 (row 4). How these numbers connect to the Bus Bomb Letter is: (1) on page 3, the Zodiac asked the Chronicle to published 16 lines of text; (2) this request was mailed on the 9th day of November, 1969; (3) The Zodiac made this request in a ninth year (1969); (4) the 9thday and 9th year represent two 9’s, which the Zodiac views as representing 99, 29 or 18. 4 point match confirmed at position 16. (R)
15. Position 14. Panel 14 is confirmed by the Zodiac’s October 27th, 1970 Halloween Card, which had 4 “award” symbols on the card, and one NASA Apollo 8 6-cent stamp on the envelope. The confirmation numbers of position 14 are: 14 (row 1), 14 (row 2), 8 (H –row 3) and 6 (row 4). The 8 and the 6 are represented in the Halloween card by the 8 and 6 of the Apollo 8 6-cent stamp. The two 14’s(which the Zodiac views as double 7’s, upside-down), are represented by the double in the words Halloween and “Apollo”. 4 point match confirmed at the 14th position. (N)
16. Position 14, Bonus “Halloween” Confirmation. On pages 5 and 6, I reviewed how the Zodiac views numbers at different angles, upside-down and in reverse (thus, he made his reversed, bent, upside-down 7’s and L’s symbol: ). On the Halloween Card there is a symbol of a Z to the left and adjacent to the Zodiac’s symbol: Z
. However, those symbols actually form a north arrow, lying on its side –the Z was a sideways N, the 14th letter of the alphabet; thus, having a value of 14 (like the other symbols on the face of the Halloween card); intended to confirm an N in the killer’s name at the 14th position. 5thpoint of verification at the 14th position.
17. Position 13. The Zodiac’s last strong confirmation key letter was mailed to the Los Angeles Times on March 13th, 1971. Position 13 pertains to reversing time and looking back at time. The March 13th letter was sent to confirm that the Zodiac killed Cheri Jo Bates, in Southern California, way back in 1966. But this claim is very possibly false. John W Gardner was the pioneer of theft by backdating and creating falsified documents. This letter was an homage to himself, honoring his falsification of biblical documents to create the Dead Sea Scrolls, from 1946 to 1948, to create Israel. Because John Gardner loved the number 6, he likely wanted a murder that occurred in 1966, so he may have found an unsolved murder where insiders knew the suspect was either dead or would remain silent. Speculative. The 13th panel is the point where the timeline clearly goes in reverse, and it is the chronological final panel of the decipher master key game. This is to represent the Zodiac turning the clock back to 1966. The confirmation numbers in the 13thposition are: 13 (column number, row 1), 31 (row 2), 8 (H –row 3), and 23 (row 4). These number represent:
a. 13 and 31. Palindrome. 3/13, or March 13th(1971), the day the Zodiac mailed his 15th letter, is a palindrome (a sequence of numbers or letters that is the same forward and backwards). 13 (in row 1) is a reversal of 31 (in row 2), the day of the month the Zodiac mailed his first letter (July 31, 1969); significant, because at row 13 the linear timeline of the decipher master key is reversed (this reversal copies the reversal of time in portions of Revelation’s timeline). 31 also represents John Gardner’s age when he joined the elite OSS (Office of Strategic Services).
b. 8: represents the 8 lines of cipher code the Zodiac sent 3 newspapers in July 1969. 8 also represent August (1969), the month the world first heard of the Zodiac (because the newspapers did not publish the Zodiac’s letter and cipher until the next day). John Gardner was born on the 8th day of the month: October 8th, 1912.
c. 23 is the number of alphabet letters the Zodiac used in his first cipher message (no J, Q or Z), although, when in code form, the cipher used many letters and 25 unusual symbols. At the age of 23, June 1936, Gardner earned his first master’s degree in psychology, from Stanford.
4-point match confirmed at the 13th position. (E)
18. Position 13, 4-point Bonus Confirmation. In the Zodiac’s March 13th, 1971 letter, there is a 17 with a subtraction symbol (–) adjacent to the left, and an addition sign (+) adjacent to the right, proximate to his symbol: “ –17+”. These symbols are a direction to add or subtract 17 to each of position 13’s four confirmation numbers, to honor special years of the Zodiac’s life. Here are the numbers, and their meaning:
a. 13+17 is 30. 30 years old, in 1943, Gardner joined the US military.
b. 31+17 is 48. In 1948, thanks to Gardner’s ideas and methods of falsification and forgery, the US successfully created Israel.
c. 8+17 is 25. 25 years old, in 1938, Gardner earned a PhD in Psychology.
d. 23+17 is 40. 40 years old, in 1952, John Gardner quietly lead the Hollywood film industry’s effort to get Congress to use US tax dollars to run cable TV wiring throughout the US, by falsely alleging the lines were for “educational TV.” (The phrase “educational TV” first appears in newsprint in December 1952.)
e. 23–17 is 6. 6 is the root of the Number of the Beast (666). Although Gardner greatly appreciated 7 (and a few other numbers), in the end, 6 was his number.
Second 4-point match confirmed at the 13th position. (E)
19. SUPER BONUS CONFIRMATION! (Position 13.) On the Zodiac’s March 13th, 1971, letter to the LA times, he wrote, in VERY large print, “AIR MAIL”, on the front and back of his envelope –although he did not pay for air mail delivery. (He also made his usual collection of postal violations: no street, no address, no zip.) On page 10, you may remember, on the circular time compass decipher key, the word “ERMAIL” appears across the bottom, formed from the letters of John William Gardner’s name. The Zodiac’s first and only use of “AIR MAIL” was a giant clue for investigators, as it was a play on ERMAIL in his name. This link provides 5th and 6thpoint verification for the “RMAIL” (reverse) positions: 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13.
· Maybe the thing that was most curious about the March 13th, 1971 letter is found at the bottom of the page, on the left, where the Zodiac wrote “SFPD –O”. He did not use an equal sign, he used a subtraction sign.
· The Zodiac mailed one final letter with information about his identity in January 1974. But that information was minimal, and he had already provided more than enough information to confirm every letter of his name, by 4-8 points.
· As for the 13-letter cipher the Zodiac also indicated was his name, April 20th, 1970… There are 13 different letters in the name John William Gardner. If the code had been solvable, I think it would have only given police the 13 letters of Gardner’s full name.
· The purple squares in panel reflect the 4-point bonus confirmation for #23.
The Zodiac’s Identity Confirmed:
John William Gardner
All positions of the Zodiac’s true name, John William Gardner, are confirmed by at least 4 points of confirmation; some letters are confirmed by up to 8 confirmation points. And just as the killer promised (when police cracked the code “they will have me”), in the circular time compass, the 13th position gives us the word “ME.”
John William Gardner, the former President of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and former U.S. Secretary of Health Education and Welfare, is the Zodiac killer.
At some point between 1955 and 1968, John Gardner became the most powerful man on Earth, and remained so until sometime near his death, in 2002.
As for his Zodiac’s activities, John Gardner did not murder people himself. He paid professional killers to do this for him.Gardner likely believed he was too important and enjoyed too much privilege to risk committing random murders himself.
A Killer’s Background
In 1943, John Gardner joined the Marine Corps, and quickly moved into the elite OSS (Office of Strategic Service), a precursor to the CIA, established June 13th, 1942. During WWII, the OSS coordinated espionage activities, spied, conducted special ops, waged propaganda wars, provided military training to foreign combat forces, and conducted acts of sabotage. While in the OSS, Gardner had access to countless elite fighters, spies and assassins. During the war, the OSS tried many unorthodox strategies, including using insects to transmit anthrax in Spain. Many prongs of the OSS were involved in codes and ciphers. The OSS purchased the Soviet codebook, used in the Venona decryption effort. During WWII, the OSS quickly formed many schools, such as Camp X; as Wikipedia explains:
At Camp X, near Whitby, Ontario, an "assassination and elimination" training program was operated by the British Special Operations Executive, assigning exceptional masters in the art of knife-wielding combat, such as William E. Fairbairn and Eric A. Sykes, to instruct trainees. Many members of the Office of Strategic Services also were trained there. It was dubbed "the school of mayhem and murder" by George Hunter White who trained at the facility in the 1950s.”
Gardner OSS experience gave him access to killers, cipher experience, and opportunity to learn to make bombs (including ammonium nitrate fertilizer bombs).
The Message the Zodiac Strained to Tell the World
(But Could Not –Because No One Decoded the Messages)
Gardner was an unparalleled master of media manipulation, propaganda and persuasive brainwashing. Two of the methods Gardner used to achieve power were:
1. Infiltrating and influencing the US government, then getting the US government and US businesses to hire people who had been profiled for certain corrupt attributes –particularly, a willingness to accept bribes.
2. Once corrupt people were in the 666 most powerful positions of US government and business, the corruption machine was almost self-sustaining.
These facts directly connect to the Zodiac’s goal and message.
The Zodiac’s had two primary goals: (1) to get others to join in and randomly murder others (he had modest success here, but not nearly to the extent the wished); (2) to get the world to take an interest in him, and discover his identity. John William Gardner was a fairly common name. If law enforcement ever zeroed in on him, he would quickly be exonerate. The reason for this was explained in the Zodiac’s underlying primary message.
The Message
The Zodiac’s primary message was not in his 408 cipher or his 340 cipher. Those were just created to help solve his identity. The Zodiac’s primary message was found in two places: (1) in 1970, the Zodiac began to connect numbers and math symbols to his symbol –these conjoined symbols were his primary message; (2) in most of the Zodiac’s letters to the press, in his misspellings, he also conveyed his message. Hopefully you wonder…
What Message?
The Zodiac first claimed the identity “I”. Soon, via ciphers and misspellings, he began to claim seemingly every letter and number, using an I in place of an E, or an O in place of an I. This was John Gardner saying everything was interchangeable; every major U.S. entity was an extension of him, and did what he instructed. Gardner was saying, “Every American institution, I have corrupted, and I, effectively, own.”
This point was made much more emphatically in 1970, when the Zodiac began to use his symbol to communicate what people thought was an ongoing murder count. The first message came April 20th, 1970, in the “My Name Is…” letter, on the bomb diagram, a series of symbols, reading: “=10 SFPD=O”. This might seem innocuous, until ones realizes Gardner (the Zodiac) claimed the identity “O”. Most conspicuously, the Zodiac claimed O and 0 (zero), in his June 26th, 1970, MDC map and letter.
Why does this matter? Because the Zodiac claimed the identity 0/O; but his scorecard consistently said the SFPD were zero. The Zodiac was saying he owned the SFPD –he was 0, and they were 0.
But you may argue, “Maybe the Zodiac was just saying he was part of the SFPD.”
No. The Zodiac saw someone might get that misunderstanding, so a month later, July 26th, 1970, in his Little List Letter, he made what may be his two most disturbing symbolic statements. On page 2 of the LLL, he drew a giant image of his symbol, and just to the left of his image he wrote, in small print, “SFPD=0” –but the tiny “O” (and/or zero) was written entirely inside the giant circle of the Zodiac’s symbol –but the letters SFPD and the equal sign were written outside of the circle. The Zodiac’s message was clear: “The San Francisco Police Department is a small part of me. I own and control it.”
That’s why no police department in America would bring charges against the Zodiac. Any police department Gardner wanted to control, he just bribed the commissioner, or whoever was necessary to control the police department –and if a police chief didn’t cooperate, Gardner could often get a new chief appointed. There were certainly good police officers at the SFPD. But the only people Gardner needed to control (via bribes) to block any legal action were the District Attorneys’ office (who press charges), or the chief of police, or, tertiarily, the detective supervisor who assigns detectives to a case. Bribing a mayor is often effective too.
By 1970, Gardner controlled every major institution in the U.S.; Congress, the White House, the Supreme Court, and every major business and industry therein.
Post Office. The Zodiac message that he controlled all US institutions was emphasized in how he addressed his envelopes, which (with the exception of the Melvin Belli and Paul Avery letters) had no street names, no address, and no zip code. The Zodiac did not even bother to write the complete city name (“San Fran”). And none of these letters had a return address. In the real world, NONE of these letters would have been delivered. Impossible. But the Zodiac (Gardner) was proving his power, saying, “I can do anything I want, because I control the US Post Office and the Post Master.”
The Zodiac further emphasized this control by the fact that all of his letters with legible postmarks, in 1969 and 1970, were stamped PM. This means his insufficiently addressed envelopes arrived to the Post Office late, but were still prioritized, and arrived at their destination the next day. Doubly impossible.
The 666
John W. Gardner’s power was rooted in the fact that he was the leader of the 666 –the 666 most powerful people in America. Gardner conceived this group, idea and number –which represented the easiest means to permanently control wealth and power in the United States (and doing so by keeping that power with the preferred people, White Westerners). Gardner was appointed to the vice presidency of the Carnegie Corporation because of his Western Supremacist views. When Gardner was appointed V.P. of Carnegie, his hometown paper, The Peninsula Times Tribune, on March 21st, 1949, explained Carnegie’s mission: “The corporation’s income is used for the advancement of knowledge and understanding among the people of the United States and British Dominions and Colonies.”
As the leader of the 666, Gardner was dedicated to increasing the wealth of all of the elite members of the 666, as he simultaneously manipulated international media conduits to increase Western influence.
The Zodiac’s (Gardner’s) Power in Plain Sight
Above: The sketch of the suspect of the attack at Lake Berryessa
Above: The suspect in Paul Stine’s murder.
Above: A person Wikipedia says “closely resembles” the Zodiac sketch (center).
Above (bottom row): John William Gardner, the Zodiac.
When the Zodiac struck on September 27th, 1969, Cecelia Shepard survived long enough to provide a description to police (she saw the killer’s face before he put his hood on). Several other witnesses saw a man that fit Shepard’s description lurking about Lake Berryessa, a few hours before the attack. A police sketch artist created a sketch of the suspect from these reports. 14 days later, when Paul Stine was killed, a SFPD sketch artist sketched the suspect. The Berryessa killer looked nothing like Paul Stine’s killer.
The problem is, at Lake Berryessa you had at least 4 adults describe the same attackers. But in San Francisco, after Paul Stine’s murder, no adultscontributed to the sketch. The witnesses were allegedly 2 or 3 unnamed teenage witnesses. Young teens are perfect fake witnesses for a cover-up, because they’re entitled to anonymity. On the previous page, the man on the upper right, who had been pictured with victim Darlene Ferrin, looks nothing like either Zodiac suspect (regardless if Wikipedia says he “closely resembles” the killer –Wikipedia is an arm of the 666). But the sketch of the person who allegedly murdered Paul Stine (top, center) looks like a young John Gardner –or Gardner concept of himself. Gardner may have even produced it.
I suspect these sketches came out within days of each other because John Gardner directed his hired killer to strike at Lake Berryessa, at 7pm (because Gardner wanted to emphasize the number 7). This meant it would be daylight, and the killer might be seen. But, in the end, the stalking killer worried his victims might leave Lake Berryessa before 7pm, so he struck at 6:30. And, sure enough, he was seen by many witnesses. Hence, to protect his hired killer, Gardner needed to release a new sketch, which looked nothing like the Berryessa killer. Thus, Paul Stine was killed and a new sketch, which looks like John Gardner, became the Zodiac’s accepted image. Four weeks later, November 9th, 1969, the Zodiac eagerly claimed he looked like the new, widely circulating, sketch.
The Bailout Plan
If exposed, Gardner’s 666 bribery web, largely facilitated through shell companies, would implicate America’s most elite, including leaders of the press, TV and film industries, the Supreme Court, the President, all congressional Republicans, and many Democrats. The magnitude of such a scandal kept Gardner safe.
But if Gardner come under the umbrella of suspicion, he seems to have built-in a way for police to conveniently rule him out. A theory… When the Zodiac first contacted the press, there were 4 stamps on the Vallejo News Herald’s envelope, but 2 on the other envelopes. The Vallejo News Herald was a small, local paper, while the Chronicle and Examiner were large, and 35 miles from Vallejo. The 4 stamps seem intended to suggest the Zodiac was a Times Herald reader, likely a Vallejo area resident, who wanted to be sure his local paper got his envelope. Gardner may have found other John William Gardners living near Vallejo. By placing the extra stamps on the Vallejo Herald envelope, Gardner likely hoped to focus police on John William Gardners living in the East Bay; while the real Zodiac killer, was enjoying life, 40 miles southwest, on the Stanford University campus.
If you read the Zodiac’s letters, you may wonder why he signaled 7 as much or more than 6. It’s not just his two 7-letter names (William and Gardner). The alphanumeric total value (adding all of the letters, A=1/Z=26) of “Gardner” is 67. In 1967, Gardner stepped down from the presidency of the Carnegie Corporation (a company he did not own, so his salary was capped), to become the sole leader of the 666 (prior to 1967, the 666 was run by a panel of 6 leaders). As the sole leader, paid to advise and insure the profits of all partners, Gardner would make MUCH more money. Thus, in 1967, Gardner became 7, in a sense.
Gardner was the driving intellect behind countless major US business, political and social movements. But his greatest achievement was his unparalleled mastery of using the media to mold social opinion, to enrich the wealthy, and make the US the envy of the world. For this, he used race to scare 90% of American Whites into the Republican party.
Gardner was the grandmaster of the Trojan Horse strategy, implementing programs that alleged to be one thing, but were actually designed to do the opposite, or something quite different. In 1958, Gardner claimed to be out to improve the American educational system. In the end, he gutted funding to US schools, and caused an enduring decline in US educational scores. America never recovered. In 1965, he implemented Head Start, designed to impair the intellectual development of non-White children. Head Start promised parents a 20-point IQ increase for their children; in truth, children experienced a 15-18 point decline. In 1968, Gardner became chairman of the Urban Coalition, where he encouraged Black parents to enroll their children in destructive Head Start; and, when America needed engineers, computer programmers, pilots, contractors and heavy equipment operators, he encouraged Black high school students to become Black Studies majors (rewarding, but without value in the work force). Gardner also paid Sid Davis to create the first Boys Bewarevideo in 1961 –and again in 1973 (after 12 years; 6+6) and again in 1979 (18 years, 6+6+6). The 1961 video alleged it was created to teach elementary and junior high boys to be wary of homosexual predators, but it was actually a primer to teach predators how to seduce boys, or get them in their cars, to do what they wished. Sexual crimes against children exploded, thereafter. The video also aimed to exploit the pliability of sexuality and inform boys there were men who would pay them for sex.
In addition to creating the Zodiac (to inspire and mobilize random killers throughout America), and creating Boys Beware (to inspire and mobilize child predators), Gardner was the driving force that created the pornography industry.
In 1977, at 65, John Gardner became the Chairman of the Commission on White House Fellows (a program he implemented in 1964). There, Gardner was able to use his fellows to communicate with and guide US Presidents for the next two decades.
Psych Profile
Although Gardner was married and had two daughters, the nature of his sexuality is debatable. Many of his major business activities created and fortified the gay pornography industry. It’s hard to imagine a thoughtful person examining the Zodiac’s first 3 murders (3 young heterosexual couples, targeted in remote, intimate locations) and not seeing a core hatred of young heterosexuals. His final victim, Paul Stine, an older single male, may have been killed to break the killer’s “angry, woman-hating, closet homosexual” profile.
January 29th, 1974, the Zodiac sent his final relevant letter. But where the stamp should go, the Zodiac left exposed the Post Office’s reminder to “use Zip code.” He used two stamps, one featuring a circle and what looked to be the arms of a protractor (actually the arms of a clock) which read: “MAIL EARLY IN THE DAY.” The envelope had no street, no address, no state, no city and no zip code; only the words : “San Fran Chron.”
The actual letter calls the Exorcist movie the best “saterical comidy” [sic]. The Zodiac dotted the I of “satirical” with a small circle (reminding us of the Mount Diablo Code). The satirical comedyline was Gardner commenting that he and his friends in the 666 were millions of times more terrifying than any possessed teenage girl. At the bottom of the page he stamped several odd line segments with rounded ends forming angles –a hint about creating an identity decipher master key, using radians to solve the Zodiac’s hints.
Why all the “William” hints? The letter ended with two lines from “The Suicide’s Grave,” a poem by William Schweck Gilbert: “He plunged him self into the billowy wave and an echo arose from the suicides grave. Tit willo tit willo tit willo.” [sic] The “tit willo” refrain, was a last desperate clue, hoping to inspire someone to solve his decipher key. “Willo” was a reference to the first four letters of his middle name; William Schwenck Gilbert was also a brazen hint. “Tit” was a reversal of the i-t-i pattern at the end of the decipher key. Creepily, Gardner wrote “suicides”, plural, rather than possessive, probably to celebrate that suicides in the US, from 1960 to 1973, greatly increased, and doubled among people 20 to 24 years old. The steepest increase, during that period, occurred while Gardner was US Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare.
If you read the Zodiac’s letters, you’ll notice the many clues he gave about his middle name –particularly the double L’s. This was because his first name was “John,” one of the 3 most common names in the West. Thus, if police ever found the decipher key, and devised a master key, John would be one of the first names they tried. Even if police didn’t “get” the Zodiac’s use of numbers, with the Mount Diablo Code, the name Johnwould be quickly and obviously confirmed in 2 positions: O (2) and N (4). (See confirmation process steps #2 and #3.) Gardner likely assumed the SFPD would soon confirm his first name, so he focused on helping them get the middle name (William was America’s 7th most common name, so if the SFPD had a sound master key, they would quickly have two of Gardner’s names).
SFPD –O. At the bottom of the letter, the Zodiac wrote: “SFPD –O”. A subtraction sign. Hmm… At the end of his previous, March 13th, 1971 letter, the Zodiac also wrote “SFPD –O”. These were the only occasions he used a subtraction sign after the SFPD initials.
The Zodiac was saying, he (the O in “SFPD=O”) was no longer in control of the SFPD.
The Zodiac first indicated this in March 1971. What changed around March 1971?
On March 25th, 1971, the New York Times reported that U.S. federal authorities had indicted San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto, on “nine counts alleging conspiracy to commit bribery and fraudulent use of the mails…” (NY Times, Mar 25th, 1971, page 26).
Federal charges suggests the FBI was involved, perhaps leading the investigation.
It’s easy to guess someone in the federal government tipped Gardner that his bribery system in San Francisco was no longer safe. Thus, Gardner had to stop bribing Alioto and his underlings at the SFPD for a while. Thus, “SFPD –O.” The SFPD no longer had the Zodiac on their team.
14 months later, May 2nd, 1972, FBI director J Edgar Hoover died; replaced by L Patrick Gray. 6 weeks later, June 17th, Republican operatives were caught breaking-in to the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate complex. April 1973, FBI director Gray resigned, after admitting to destroying Watergate documents.
Although in San Francisco, Gardner had to slow down his corrupt activities, nationally, his corrupt activities were speeding up.
Revelation of Reversal
At the end of his January 29th, 1974 letter, the Zodiac wrote, “–37”. This was not the number of people the Zodiac killed. Look closer. The symbol in the middle is a subtraction sign. 37 is half of 74 (1974); subtract 37 from 1974, you get 1937. This is likely the year Gardner first dreamed of being a Beast-likeperson, when he was 24 years old, in the Psychology program at UC Berkeley. I suspect Gardner solved a good deal of Revelation around 1937. He likely knew Chapter 11 ended in 1906, but everything beyond Chapter 13:12 appeared to occur at some point in the future. That is, until the final days of World War II, when it was clear that Revelation Chapter 13:13 pertained to World War II, and Chapter 14:14-20 pertained to enormous bloodshed of WWI and WWII. This meant that Gardner had a realistic opportunity to be the Beast.
Why does this matter? Because if you read my earlier writing on Gardner (Origin Stories and Revelation 2, at www.TheZoneResistance.com), you know I’ve maintained he was the driving force and mind behind creating the fake Dead Sea Scrolls, history’s greatest forgery, to create Israel. With the Dead Sea Scrolls, Gardner changed what we believe about the Bible and history. He essentially reversed time. THIS, is why Gardner’s last name is reversed in the decipher master key (AND to mimic God reversing and accelerating time in Revelation). Gardner memorialized his Dead Seas sacrilege by reversing time, again, with backdated documents and reports, to claim the murder of Cheri Jo Bates.
In the 1960s and 1970s, reporters often commented that the Zodiac seemed to crave attention. John W. Gardner may have been the most evil and influential mind ever, but because the 666 was an organized crime machine, Gardner was forced to remain silent about his effortless ability to shape national and international opinion; forced to remain the humble John W. Gardner, former Carnegie Corporation president and US HEW Secretary. But his alter-ego, the Zodiac, brutal killer with ciphers and mystery, allowed Gardner to dream of stepping out of the shadows, just a bit. If someone had solved his mystery, Gardner would have enjoyed knowing a few terrified US citizens knew he was the Zodiac.
The Zodiac’s/Gardner’s Possible Tribute to
Satanic Freemasonry?
In the Zodiac’s final letter that was relevant to the Zodiac’s crime spree, which is the 17th letter, in historical sequence that the police received the letters: his January 29th, 1974 “Exorcist” letter (I don’t include the later published Cheri Jo Bates letter, because they come, sequentially, later, but endeavor to claim an early history…), the Zodiac mentions the movie “The Exorcist” and seems to gloat about how much more evil Satan and Satanists are, compared to how they were portrayed in The Exorcist. On the front of the envelope, the Zodiac/Gardner may have sent a salute to Freemasonry (I suspect Freemasonry solved many of Revelation’s mysteries, a few centuries ago, and Gardner just solved a few modern mysteries). Anyway, on the envelope of this letter, Gardner used a fairly uncommon US postal stamp, which appears similar to an old fashioned clock, with the arms/hands pointed at approximately 11 and 1. But when you turn the stamp upside-down (see below), the angle of the arms corresponds to the angle of Freemasonry’s symbol (right, below), and the points of the clock’s hands/arms extend beyond the clock edge, similar to how the protractor points of Freemasonry’s symbol extend beyond the square.
Gardner probably preferred the circular time compass or circular decipher master keybecause circles are created with compasses and protractors, like the compass in Freemasonry’s symbol. Gardner also surely loved the “G” in the Freemasonry symbol, which he viewed as representing “Gardner.” But the “G” probably was taken from II Corinthians 4:4, where Satan is referred to as “the god of this age.”
It’s worth noticing, there appear to be 24 measurement divisions on the square. In the East, If you have read my Revelation 2; The Solutions report, you know I’vesolved Revelation and I have said Revelation’s Chapter 18 Destruction Day, on the Gregorian calendar, will be 9/24/24. And, you’ll see, in a couple of pages, the 24th is the day the Zodiac also predicted would be Revelation’s Destruction Day.
For the record, I initially solved Gardner’s identity with the last name forward (compare below), and the numbers told a linear, sensible story. As you see, in row 2, six of the seven numbers are the same (31, 14, 30, 18, 27, 33), but reversed. And 3 numbers (14, 11, 9) in row 4 are also found in the forward version. But the numbers in panels 12-18 were not as fluid as the first 11 panels. So I looked at Gardner’s time compass, and saw his last name staged in a self-aggrandizing way, and knew the reverse was what he intended.
What the Zodiac Didn’t Understand:
The Mikado, the East and Revelation
In the Zodiac’s decipher master key, the position 15 clues pertained to The Mikado and the number 5. In the second version of this report, at this point in the story, I suggested that the Zodiac’s “Mikado” and “5” clues indicated that he (and Freemasonry) must have known that in Revelation, God and Jesus use both the Yin (Chinese) and Gregorian (Western) calendar. But after getting a broader view of the Zodiac’s solutions and his decipher master key, I’m certain that Gardner and Freemasonry did not solve some of Revelation’s the most import mysteries, and never knew the Yin calendar was in play.
The Zodiac/Gardner used his letters, ciphers, diagrams and decipher master key to boast about what he knew. But the Revelation solutions that he referred to in his most central letters were the most obvious solutions. He seemed to have no idea about many of the most important and interesting mysteries. In the Zodiac’s decipher master key (circular time compass) he reveals the numbers that he believes are important to the Revelation story (and to the story of his murders), but he does not give the Yin destruction day numbers –which are cited three times in Revelation (chapters 18, 21 and 22), while the Gregorian Destruction numbers are only cited twice (chapters 18 and 22).
From the late 16th century, many people knew Revelation was true and accurate, because of the “42 months” in verse 13:5 connected to Martin Luther, the primary blasphemer in verses 13:5 and 6. But after that (1521 to 1555), it was impossible to see any further revelations until the Russo-Japanese War transpired, 1904-1905, and linked to verse 11:11.
Suddenly, in 1905 and 1906, verses 11:11, 11:12 and 11:13 revealed accurate details about Japan defeating Russia, in the Russo-Japanese war, 1905, and the Courrieres mine disaster, March 19, 1906, and the San Francisco Earthquake, 1906. Suddenly, people who studied Revelation knew God was real and his word and Revelation were pinpoint accurate.
Against this, the Zodiac’s Little List Letter clues, stressed the Mikado (a play about Japan) and stressed the number 5. But the Zodiac was simply boasting that he knew verse 11:11 referred to Japan in the 1905 Russo-Japanese War.
But the important clues in Revelation had nothing to do with Japan. It seems God threw the Russo-Japanese war in Revelation to preoccupy the West with Japan, when Russia and China were the nations to watch.
If Gardner and Freemasonry had really solved Revelation, and wanted to boast, sharing the 7:9 solution, or the solutions to chapters 8, 11, 13 and 21 would make a nice start. But if they wanted to refer to Asian history and the Yin calendar, they would start with verses 9:16-19, about the achievements of China’s Ming Dynasty. If someone had truly solved all of Revelation’s mysteries, and hoped to boast, they’d share these verse because they foreshadow God and Jesus’ use of the Yin Calendar.
But the bigger problem… Gardner’s decipher key numbers are intended to reveal his identity and what he knew about Revelation’s Destruction Day. But two of the three most important numbers (21 and 22) from the Yin calendar date of Destruction are not present in Gardner’s numbers –and the one number that is present from the Yin Destruction date (8), is only present coincidentally, because it is the day of the month Gardner was born (the 8th) and the prefix of the month of his birth (October).
Above: The Decipher Master Key, with 0 at panel 6, and 24 at panel 12, and 24 at panel 18.
Gardner’s decipher key numbers are: 3, 4, 5(x2), 6, 7 (x2), 8 (x2), 9(x3), 10, 12, 13 (x2), 14 (x3), 15, 18 (x2), 23 (x2), 24 (x2), 25, 27 (x2), 30, 31, 33, 38, 40, 44.
Three of Gardner’s numbers are related to the Gregorian date of Destruction, East and West: 9, 23 and 24. The Gregorian date of Destruction, East, is 9/24/24. The Gregorian date of Destruction, West, is 9/23/24.
But the more important calendar in Revelation, pertaining to the date of Destruction, is the Yin calendar. On the Yin, the three important dates are 8, 21, 22. The Yin date of Destruction in the East is 8/22/22; in the West the date is 8/21/22.
The Zodiac/Gardner’s decipher master key does not have a 21 or 22. Gardner and Freemasonry had no idea about the Yin calendar.
Credit Where Credit is Due
Below is the Zodiac’s decipher master key. The Zodiac’s Destruction Day solution is in panels 6, 12 and 18. Panel 6 represents the month, panel 12 represents the day of the month, and panel 18 represents the year. Originally, I thought the Zodiac was predicting the month June (because of the 6th panel, the Phillips 66 map…). But now, I think the Zodiac felt the Destruction was most likely to occur on September.
Above: The Decipher Master Key, with 0 at panel 6, and 24 at panel 12, and 24 at panel 18.
Above: The Zodiac’s Mount Diablo Code.
In the MDC code map, above, you see the arrow pointing to the zero. Gardner was marking the zero as the MONTH of the disaster. Of course, there is no zeromonth. That's why below the zero, Gardner put a 9 (September) to the left, and a 6 (June) in the center, and a 3 (March) to the right.
In his decipher master key, above, the Zodiac/Gardner placed his zero in panel 6, where the month goes. With these two tools, I think Gardner was saying he was sure that the Destruction would occur on in the year 2024, on the 24th day of either March, June or September.
But, if you look at the decipher key, you see Gardner put a 9 (September) in the principle row, column 6, and an “I” (I = 9 = September) in the second row, column 6, which is linked to the “I” (again, I = 9 = September) in the bottom row, column 6. From all of this, I now think Gardner was saying, he couldn’t be certain if the event would be in March, June or September, but he felt the Event would most likely occur in September.
So, although Gardner and the Freemasons ruined life for most of the planet, and they seemed to miss most of Revelations best mysteries, they almost got the Destruction Day right. Their solution is still incorrect, because September 24th, 2024, is the day it will be in the East when God and the East prevail; but the chapter 18, 21 and 22 solutions call for the date of Destruction in the West; that’s September 23rd, 2024.
In July and August 2024, I wrote my second report about John W Gardner: “My Stepdad Was One of the Zodiac’s Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murderers –and how that might save your life,” although this second report is really more akin to a book (Origin Stories might also be considered a report about Gardner; but it’s technically a draft, so…). My Stepdad Was one of the Zodiac’s… is much, much less technical than The Zodiac Killer’s Identity Revealed, but more important. The piece of information I learned while researching and writing My Stepdad Was…, which impacts The Zodiac Killer’s Identity Revealed and everything I’ve reported about Gardner is this: Gardner was able to speak to Satan, and Satan able to speak to Gardner, at will. Satan was the source of all of Gardner’s genius. The case is made My Stepdad Was One of the Zodiac’s Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murderers. To learn details and read the evidence, I’ve made My Stepdad Was One of the Zodiac’s Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murderers available, free, on www.TheZoneResistance.com.
Based on this new information, on the following page you will find six curious headlines concerning some of the Zodiac’s more notorious crimes, published between 1968 and November 1969.
To understand the Headline Letter Codes, please consult a PDF of “My Stepdad Was One of the Zodiac’s Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murderers.”
San Francisco Examiner,
October 21st, 1969
San Francisco Police Department
Wanted for Murder
From 1966-1971, I lived in Berkeley, California, with my mother, Cecile Lusby (Briggs), and sister, on Bancroft Way and Colby Street, and attended University of California Child Care Center (UCCCC, also called Whittier Child Care Center and Whittier Daycare; financed by the Rockefellers, John Gardner and Carnegie) then Whittier-University Elementary. My teachers were Jeanne Block, Mrs Dawley and Larry Finlayson.
More Headlines, and Headline Letter Codes
The Vallejo News Chronicle,
August 5th, 1969:
Astrology Pursued in Cipher (15 letters)
Hidden Message:
Carnegie Corporation President Gardner, UC Child Care Center
Vallejo Times Herald,
December 24th, 1968:
Single Gun Was Used In Slaying,
Small Caliber Bullet Pierced Roof of Auto(19 letters)
Hidden Message:
Carnegie Corporation President William Gardner, UCCCC, Bancroft Way, Cecile Lusby Briggs, Larry Finlayson, W Gardner communicates to and for Lucifer/Satan
San Francisco Chronicle,
August 1st, 1969:
The Boastful Slayer:
Letter Claims Writer Killed Cabbie, 4 Others (18 letters)
Hidden Message:
UC Child Care Center, Whittier Daycare/Afterschool, Colby Street, Berkeley, UCCCC
San Francisco Examiner,
November 12th, 1969:
“I’ve Killed Seven,” The Zodiac Claims:
San Jose Girls May Be Victims (19 letters)
Hidden Message:
John Gardner, Steven Kenyatta Briggs, Jeanne Block, Carnegie, Colby Street, Berkeley
San Francisco Examiner,
November 12th, 1969:
Zodiac “Legally Sane”,
Cop Sure Clues Will Snag Him (17 letters)
Hidden Message:
Carnegie Corp Pres, William Gardner, UC Child Care Center, Whi[tt]ier-UC Elementary School, UCCCC, Mrs Dawley.
If you read Origin Stories, you are aware that I’ve reported that adults connected to Gardener gave my sister and I opposite sex hormone (Ruthie was given adult male testosterone, and I was given adult female estrogen. This was done without our consent or our mother’s consent. This was done because research showed testosterone reduced intelligence in young girls (I found no research conclusively showing estrogen reduced intelligence in boys). Consistent with this, hidden in the letters of the third headline on the previous page (from the Vallejo Times Herald, December 24th, 1968; reading: Single Gun Was Used In Slaying, Small Caliber Bullet Pierced Roof of Auto) are the words: “Dennis Wilson[my stepfather] fed or administered to Rut[h] Briggs [my older sister, 5-years old at that time] testosterone, and fed or administered to her younger sibling, S Briggs [me], estrogen –steroids.”
And the fifth headline from the previous page (from the San Francisco Examiner, November 12th, 1969; reading: “I’ve Killed Seven,” The Zodiac Claims: San Jose Girls May Be Victims) also contains the words: Dennis gave Steven Kenyatta Briggs estrogen, and gave Steve’s s older sister, R[u]th Virginia Briggs, testosterone –steroids.
If you doubt the Headline Letter Code, I encourage you to read the final page of My Stepdad Was One of the Zodiac's Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murderers -then read the whole PDF.
The Revelation 2: The Solutions PDF shows Pope Francis is connected to the Beast’s numbers, 6 and 13. Pope Francis is the 266 Pope, and his Papacy began on March 13th, 2013.
March 13th, 2024 is also the day Revelation (or God) instructed me to publish my solutions (see Rev 2, pp 127, 129, 131).
March 13this also significant, because on March 13th, 1825, Pope Leo XII forever prohibited Catholics from joining Freemasonry. Leo XII knew Freemasonry was the Satanic center of Western power, which worked to subvert and control all global business and government institutions; thus, he would not let Catholics join.
The meaning of 313… In 313 AD Rome adopted Christianity. People who signal 313 hope to reverse the clock, to a time near Jesus’ birth, when Rome and the poet Virgil openly invented a pantheon of fake White gods (Jupiter, Saturn…).
I believe Pope Francis’ was elected on March 13, 2013, to mock of Pope Leo XII (and Pope Leo XIII), and to tacitly announce Pope Francis served the West, Satan and Freemasonry, and hoped to help turn back the West to before 313 AD, when Rome was ruled by a bunch of non-existent gods, stolen from the Greeks.
March 13th, is relevant to the Zodiac and John Gardner, because the Zodiac mailed one of his most important letters on March 13th, 1971. This was the Zodiac’s 15thletter, and it is the 15th position on his decipher key. This is the most important position on the decipher master key, because it is the center of the seven time reversal panels, but panel 15 does not move –time pivots around it. The date March 13 (313) is a palindrome –the same forward as back. The Zodiac’s clues for the 15th panel were also his most interesting. I believe Gardner was saying, with the date March 13th (313) “We have a brother in the Papacy, who will work against the Catholic Church, from inside the Church. At the time, the Pope was Pope Paul VI.”
PS: A couple years ago, I stumbled onto John W Gardner. After heavy research, I and became certain he was the Beast. I informed people on Twitter, etc. Fast forward 2 years… A few weeks before I published this Zodiac identity reveal, a friend notified me the Zodiac’s identity had been discovered. I hurried online to verify the news. The report was false –BUT, it led me to do some random reading on the Zodiac. Within a couple hours, I stumbled upon the Zodiac’s 18-letter decipher key, at the end of his first cipher. I knew John W Gardner’s full name was 18 letters. The Zodiac and Gardner both lived in the Bay Area; both paid too much attention to children (school bus bombs, etc)… I figured Gardner might be the guy. A few hours or a day later, I found the Mount Diablo Code, and quickly confirmed 7 out of 7 letters. Not even halfway finished with the confirmation process, I was sure I had the right guy.
PPS: March of 2024, I watched Sid Davis’ Boys Beware films and quickly knew John Gardner was behind them, and alerted the internet that Gardner created them to instruct pedophiles how to seduce and even murder children. Immediately, Google and other truth-suppressing, pedophile-increasing conduits began creating fake, backdated internet pages, to give the appearance that in-the-know young Whites, etc, had been aware of this, and sounded the alarm. This was Google, Twitter, Facebook and the 666 trying to protect themselves, and this was false. You might guess that most of the honorable races of this world would clamor to thank me for possibly sparing many more of their children from harm. But these are the values of Western elites, and their seven-headed master –the god of this age.
DISCLAIMER: Everything written, said or presented on this website, or the documents attached to this website, is/are just allegations, not necessarily facts. Although I, Steven Kenyatta Briggs (AKA: Steve K Wilson Briggs) the owner of this website, wholeheartedly believe every allegation to be true, and although all of the articles posted on the website present seemingly overwhelming evidence in support of every allegation, everything presented on this website, no matter how persuasive, is/are just allegations and opinions.
The preceding disclaimer is made for legal reasons.
URGENT: If you are reading this before the evening of September 23rd, 2024 (in the Western hemisphere), please stop until you read the information below the timer on the II Revelation page, or toward the bottom of the Revelation 2 HTML page, white print against a gold background.
The Zodiac Killer's Identity Revealed.
In the letter portion of the Zodiac killer's first correspondence with the press (accompanying his coded 408 cipher), he said: “…in this cipher is my identity.” A few days later, when the first cipher was cracked, at the end of the message were 18 unexplained letters (e, b, e, o, r, i, e, t, e, m, e, t, h, h, p, i, t, i). The letters remained unexplained for 55 years -until now. The 18 letters were a decipher key to the killer's identity -his full name. In this PDF, I methodically go through the Zodiac's letters and ciphers, and decode his decipher key, using the directions and clues the Zodiac gave us in his letters and cipher.
If you'd rather not read a PDF, you can read the Zodiac Killer's Identity Revealed in standard HTML, on this site; click the link above, or click here: https://thezoneresistance.com/zodiacs-id-revealed-html
NOTE: The evidentiary exhibits (letters, ciphers, diagrams, map...) are not presented on the HTML page. But they are presented at the bottom of this page, and in one of the PDFs.
NOTE: There are two versions of the Zodiac Killer's Identity Revealed PDF below; the first does not have the letters, ciphers, maps, diagrams and envelopes included in the PDF; the second version has all the evidence attached to the end (letters, envelopes, maps, ciphers and diagrams). FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, PHOTOGRAPHS OF ALL OF THE LETTERS, CIPHERS, DIAGRAMS, MAPS AND ENVELOPES, REFERRED TO IN "THE ZODIAC'S IDENTITY REVEALED" ARE ALSO DISPLAYED BELOW THE PDFs, JUST SCROLL DOWN. This page lacked sufficient space to store all of the letters and evidence, so, to see letters 8 to 17, go to the Data Caper/Stuxnet page, on this site, and scroll to the bottom.
The "lite" version of the Zodiac' Killers Identity Revealed (9/22/2024 update), above, does not have the letters and other evidence attached.
The XXL version of The Zodiac Killer's Identity Revealed (9/22/2024 update), which includes the first 17 letters, the ciphers, diagrams, maps and envelopes, is below.
You will also find photos of all of this evidence posted below, just scroll down.
If you've been following this, you might have noticed how many new documents Wikipedia has suddenly added to their "Zodiac Killer" page since I uploaded my Zodiac Killer Identity Revealed PDF. And suddenly Google seems to be publicizing any possible Zodiac Killer.
They are the 666. Their objective is to obscure. My PDF names the true killer, and reveals his face -and more.
The version below has all of the Zodiac's letters, ciphers, map, diagrams, envelopes attached.
September 27th, 1969, the Zodiac left this message on Bryan Hartnell's car door.
The door message is not considered a letter.
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