URGENT: If you are reading this before the evening of September 23rd, 2024 (in the Western hemisphere), please stop until you read the information below the timer on the II Revelation page, or toward the bottom of the Revelation 2 HTML page, white print against a gold background.
This page was created to warehouse prior versions of Revelation 2, for transparency and verification, and to warehouse other significant documents and portions of documents, I've written related to Origin Stories or Revelation 2.
(Some of the documents are very rough drafts and have not officially been released or published.)
"Heist" simply present several sections from a VERY, VERY, VERY rough unfinished and yet unnamed story I'm working on (Origin Stories is a portion of this unnamed work). The excerpts I've included in this "Heist" upload explain how the US stole the internet from Japan. I felt it was necessary and responsible to upload this very rough research because I mention these facts in Origin Stories and II Revelation. Now you can see the research. John W Gardner's role in the Heist is not explained, but the reason Silicon Valley tech hub is located near Stanford is because Gardner took a board position at Stanford in 1969, and lived on the University of Stanford Campus until he died in 2002. The Heist starts up around 1977.
This PDF is composed of several unedited excerpts, so it may lose some coherency, out of context, but you should have no trouble understanding.
These are a few VERY, VERY rough sections from the same unfinished work I've mentioned repeatedly on this site. These sections explain why, by the time I was 9, or a very young 10 years old, "the cartel" (John W Gardner, the US and Hollywood) resolved to track me closely and steal even my worst ideas.
This story is in very rough and unedited, but should be fairly easy to follow. Christmas, 2023, I uploaded about 20 new pages from this rough, unfinished work, to clarify and support my surprising conclusions.
The solution PDFs on this page, below, are earlier versions. See the II Revelation (Solutions) page for the current and final versions.
An early draft of the Chapter 13 solutions.
Prematurely Released
The first draft (November 2023) of what I mistakenly thought were the complete solutions.
The PDF below identifies the date (month, day and hour) that the United States (and probably Israel, and possibly much of the West) will be destroyed in 2024.
UPDATE: In the interest of time, THE DATE OF DESTRUCTION will be the night of June 12th, 2024 (in the West), when it is June 13th, in the East. Read the PDF for the precise times of the bombs' departure, and arrival and detonation in various US time zones.
The PDF also solves all of the mysteries of the Bible's book of Revelation, and names the exact date of Jesus' Second Coming. The PDF has information that may help you survive Jesus's Second Coming.
Please, share this (it may improve your afterlife prospects).
The PDF was updated April 25th, 2024. (More information below.)
This is the second published edit of MSWOotZSRHM, from August 19th, 2024 (dated on page 1). I researched and wrote it so quickly that I bragged about it on page one. The first version was published 1 to 4 days before this version. The first version had no cover photo -just black title text against a plain white cover.
MARCH 1st, 2024: If you scroll way down to the bottom of this site's homepage, you might notice a message expressing my appreciation to Russia, for figuring a creative way to send supportive messages, in photos, while I was living in the U.S. and the U.S. was blocking the public from viewing my posts and webpages. A couple months after I posted that message, on February 22 or 23, 2024, Russia posted the photo on the right, the day before I said the US would be destroyed. You might not get it, but the photo is brilliant -and it is the reason you should take this all very seriously. In this photo, President Putin is telling me I made a mistake in my solutions, about when the Destruction of Babylon will occur, and I should get back to the drawing board. The reason the world should be relieved if what I'm saying is correct (and it is) is because this shows Russia (and China) are carefully reading my solutions, assessing them, maybe praying -and not blindly following. Cheers, Russia. But, it's easy to spot mistakes after I've done all the heavy lifting. (Wink.) The coming solutions are so detailed that I, in turn, think the great sleuths in Russia may have also made some mistakes.
March 13th (4 Chou), 2024, update: My doubts about the Russian team's dates had to do with Gregorian and yin calendar confusion. But that's not very important (and it's very possible, maybe likely, they had the date right).
The section above appeared on this website, on the Revelation 2 (Rev II) page from March 1, 2024 to May 22, 20024. The information is correct and accurate, but the page was moved to this temporary archival page, on May 22nd, 2024, in respect for the gravity of the situation.
People who are tenacious enough to sift through all the information I've posted on this site should understand that, although in the case of the combatants related to Revelation 2, I clearly support God and the East, I have my differences with plenty of the policies that the four primary forces of the East employ, and they surely have their differences with me. But on the most important points (fighting corrupt foreign interference and attacks) we share common values. The adage, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," is probably at play. The Revelation 2 solutions indicate God also has some differences with the four primary Eastern forces, but He either sees more good in them than bad, or He just strongly prefers them to the wildly corrupt Western forces.
My Fondness for Russia and China -and Our Public Exchanges.
In certain passages on the site, and the Revelation 2 and Origin Stories PDFs, I write as if I'm addressing a substantial global audience -although the falsified Western data indicates my readership is much smaller. This is not because I'm a megalomaniac or something. Here's what's going on...
Until 2019, I had no idea I was being spied on, and no idea that Western 666 corporations (particularly Big 6 film companies) were hacking into my phone -and my computer, anytime I went online, to steal my writing. As soon as I discovered this, I created a Twitter account and reported many of the details. In 2020, I began to report the details in my legal filings with US federal courts. And around March of 2021 I created a website at DataCaper.com, to publish everything I learned about the 666 hacking and stealing my work. At that time, it looked like the hacking and theft began around 1999.
Not long after I created DataCaper.com, I began to see occasional media stories that indicated people in Russia and China were interested in, and upset by, the foul-play that I was contending with.
In my legal filings, I cited two examples of very helpful and courageous (yet diplomatic) statements Chinese officials, including Xi Jinping, made which seemed responsive to my published protests. I also cited a couple examples on DataCaper.com. As I recall, Xi Jinping made a brilliant statement concerning Harry Potter, which spoke powerfully against Western corruption and interference -and which also supported my effort to protect my I.P.
I also saw evidence, in media reports, that people in Russia (maybe state hackers or intelligence people) were aware of my efforts, and very supportive and sympathetic. However, it was not until a few months into the Russia-Ukraine conflict that I observed any media report that indicated that Vladimir Putin was aware of me. But when he did express his awareness, it was in a very powerful way -a way that also seemed to express his and the Russia people's desire to live in a fair world, where corrupt forces are held accountable, and the people have a voice. (I'll explain this in more detail when I have more time.)
As I researched when the 666 first began hacking me (see the Data Caper/Stuxnet page and PDF to learn the hackers and hacking companies names), and as I reflected back on events that indicated hacking was happening around me, it appeared that Russia may have become aware of me around 2005. I speculate this because around that time a very beautiful Russia woman approached me at my gym, in New York City. We only spoke a time or two, but retrospectively, it seems possible, or probable, that the woman was reaching out for Russia. Full disclosure: my ideas are mine. I didn't tell the woman anything because I had many irons in the fire, at the time. But she was beautiful and smart, and if the time was right, I would have told her anything she wanted to know. Again, my ideas are my ideas.
But that's just a theory.
[NOTE: The surest evidence that Russia was trying to use legal mean, and legal internet means to help me defend my intellectual property, when US corporations were employing relentless illegal tactics (hacking into my computer, erasing online documents and my personal files, publishing falsified documents, sending me death threats...) was while I was in the middle of the 2020 Briggs v Cameron dispute, while the bad guys were hacking me, etc, Russia (I believe) was able to hack into my Google news feed to insert some article headlines and links that were extremely helpful. A year later, these same links (which I think Russia was behind) helped me understand that US infringers were using my ideas much more expansively than I had understood. Also, while I was writing Origin Stories and its parent project, I encountered months of Google hiding links and online content from me. This problem was very severe. For a few months it seemed like I could find no useful, reliable or verifiable information. But suddenly, somehow, some real document appeared online. I think Russia had some guys on the ground in Berkeley, California, who went to the archival places, then uploaded a few key documents. The greatest of which was is the official 1968 Berkeley School District busing pamphlet and maps, seen in Origin Stories. So priceless.
Around that time, shortly after the Ninth Circuit improperly dismissed my case, a man with a Russian surname wrote the court a letter informing them of correct legal procedure and precedent. In future writing, I'll explain why I'm so confident Russia was responsible for putting those good links in my Google news feed, etc.]
Back to the story...
Here's what I know -and what I know based on what I know.
The person (elite hacker and programmer) who led the the private corporation's efforts to steal my works was Steve Weinstein (more in the Data Caper/Stuxnet PDF). Weinstein also taught elite hackers for US intelligence and the US military at Stanford University (and probably other North Bay Area locations).
Here's what I believe happened: While Weinstein and his private hacking company (MovieLabs) was spying on me, Russia hacked into the MovieLabs spying operation, and saw who Weinstein and MovieLabs were spying on. Alternately, Russia could have learned about me and the MovieLabs operation from Edward Snowden's data. But I think the first theory is correct.
So Russia watched Weinstein and the others at MovieLabs hack me continuously.
Of course, Russia thought what the US and US private companies were doing was terrible, but they observed and learned.
I'm not sure if Russia hacked into Weinstein's operation as early as 2006 and early 2007, or if they hacked in later. If Russia hacked in between mid 2006 and early 2007, they would have seen me create the concept of aggregated data, and the replicator and everything else. Aggregated data immediately became America's new defense and policing priority. Which is absurd, because the US had done so much to harm creative thought that the US did not really have the personnel to make an aggregated data defense or policing system work.
So, this is all to explain that I think hackers in Russia discovered me (by watching Weinstein) sometime between 2005 and 2013, and I suspect Russia saw Weinstein et al hack in and steal my work during that same period.
FAST FORWARD. As I said, two or three months after the Ukraine war started, Putin made a very discrete but powerful statement, which slipped through the Western censors, and communicated his respect for my efforts to fight for my intellectual property rights, etc.
Since then, Putin has used the American media (which constantly censors and ridicules idea and personalities that are not pro-Western or pro-capitalist) to send me a few important, and sometimes really, really funny messages. The message above is a great example. Maybe the best thing about Putin is a couple of his messages were to express concern about people or events around me -advising me to be wary. He also let's me know, periodically, that he and his intelligence people are able to hack into my phone to listen to my private conversations (conversations that are face-to-face and not on the phone). This is his way of letting me know that the US and various 666 entities must also be able to do the same. He did this as recently as June 2024. To be sure, when I want absolute privacy I bury my phone in a box, in a box, in a box -or l leave my apartment. But the fact that Putin takes this sort of personal action, and takes creative effort to present the message in a story that will slip through Western editors tells you about Putin's character.
So, now you know why I write like I'm speaking to a large audience.
I know I could be less emphatic. But the Revelation evidence suggest God chose me to do this because He likes that I blurt out what I think. This does NOT mean I'm right, necessarily -just that God knows my intent is good -if not always my style.
DISCLAIMER: Everything written, said or presented on this website, or the documents attached to this website, is/are just allegations, not necessarily facts. Although I, Steven Kenyatta Briggs (AKA: Steve K Wilson Briggs) the owner of this website, wholeheartedly believe every allegation to be true, and although all of the articles posted on the website present seemingly overwhelming evidence in support of every allegation, everything presented on this website, no matter how persuasive, is/are just allegations and opinions.
The preceding disclaimer is made for legal reasons.
This article was published in Daily Mail on March 16th, 2024. I am posting it here under Fair Use to report to the public, and to prevent parties from altering their work. This article is connected cited on page 150 of Revelation 2 document, and is why I no longer support Pope Francis or the Vatican. (See "Fair Use" here: fromhttps://copyrightalliance.org/education/copyright-law-explained/limitations-on-a-copyright-owners-rights/fair-use-exceptions-copyright/ )
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