URGENT: If you are reading this before the evening of September 23rd, 2024 (in the Western hemisphere), please do not read this page or these notes until you first read the notes below the Revelation 2: The Solutions PDF, on the II Revelation page (https://thezoneresistance.com/ii-revelation-solutions), or toward the bottom of the Revelation 2 HTML page (https://thezoneresistance.com/revelation-2-html), white print against a gold background, or below the timer on the Home page..
Originally, the early versions of Revelation 2 (II Revelation) had a notes section, “Ideas for a Changing World”, for supplemental thoughts; but as the solution grew in length, I had to erase the notes section. This “Notes” section is supplemental to the Revelation 2 PDF, and modeled after the original notes. Some of the following notes may help you survive in the aftermath of God’s wrath (September 23rd, 2024, West); some may help you better understand events, generally; but many of the notes are just me setting the record straight about what the Western 666 stole from me, for over 50 years.
Part of the reason I was Asked to solve the complete Revelation mysteries is because the US/West and the 666 committed literary theft and falsification crimes against me, which were MUCH less severe, but paralleled the sacrilegious falsification crimes the West and the 666 committed against God with the Dead Seas Scrolls Hoax, which the West used as an illegal pretext for the forceful creation of Israel.
Some of you may be thinking, “Why does it matter if people stole my ideas? Why do you need credit?”
If you asked that, you may be thoroughly corrupt, or a brainwashed moron; but I’ll honor the questions with an answer…
When an informed person sees a great movie they often note who wrote or directed the film, so they can duly attribute that person later. When a serious person reads a great book, she or he always notes the author’s name. The Bible, in concert with God’s intent, takes effort to identify and credit the writer of each book.
But, against this, suddenly all Western legal and attribution customs and standards were relaxed and forgotten when I, a brown-skinned person, wrote the most influential, most produced and most stolen work since the Bible. That is not hyperbole. And, oddly, in the West, all legal and reporting standards were also abandoned when it came to adjudicating the theft of my work.
These deviations occurred because the West’s economic and government systems were based on theft and deceit, and maintaining a pervasive world view that White Western capitalists are just somehow smarter and more creative than everyone else. But, with me, false modesty aside, there was no way that any of them were going to be more creative than me –at least not in the areas I devoted myself. So the plan was to steal everything I produced –or even said.
One of the many expressions that was stolen from me, and used to falsely glorify White Western youth, is “silence is complicity.” Yes, that’s me. Sometimes truth is lyrical. If you ask me to remain silent about what was stolen, it’s probable that you were enriched and maintained by Western corruption, and your views were molded by America’s conformity and consensus profilers, and you are an unwitting but complicit co-conspirator.
I was born with certain creative gifts; more than my share. But I took a few unusual actions that increased my gifts. We can increase our creative gifts with hard work. I took hard work to an extreme, and worked, often in isolation, for years, to be able to do uncommon things. I also tried not to conform more than is necessary to be a responsible member of society. One of the best moves I made to increase my creativity, was... In my early twenties, I noticed that I had a somewhat enhanced ability to see connections between bits of information that, at a glance, may seem unrelated. Around this time, I did some exercises (maybe accidentally) that enhanced this ability. I suspect most of us may have some special aptitude that we can greatly increase, with the right exercises.
But most Westerners, and modern Western allied Easterners, stopped wanting to work hard –or they forgot how. People don’t want to endure the boredom of sitting still, pushing themselves to generate better ideas; disposing 40 good ideas for one great idea.
Over the years I have repeatedly tried to warn America, via my court filings and social media posts, how US business deceptions, and lack of transparency and accountability imperil America’s existence. Some of you saw my posts and filings, but did nothing, because you had been conditioned, by America consensus and conformity profilers, not to do anything that might not be rewarded with “likes” and followers. But if you care about likes and followers, you will never be creatively significant outside of the Western artifice. A truly creative mind looks where everyone has gone before him, then goes where he sees no tracks in the snow. Unable to do this, self-appointed Western social managers just put hacking and tracking devices around me, and stole and copied everything I wrote or said.
A couple years ago, I notified America of how the US was taken over by specific CEOs in the 1950s, I named all of the major participants and events; see Origin Stories. This scheme transformed America into a very sophisticate mafia state, designed to enrich and glorify select White Western elites, and to secondarily enrich their Jewish fluffers.
Today, you see this organized crime scheme play out when Google is unlawfully permitted by America’s corrupt Supreme Court to copy and publish every literary work ever created –against all copyright laws. This was done to take printed works out of circulation, to get all people to TRUST and refer to one online database, which the US -Google- would control, so the US could discretely alter these works, as needed, and backdate stolen ideas into works written centuries earlier.
(NOTE: In 2021, as I wrote Origin Stories, I referred to the central CEO criminal conspirators as the “Participants”; effective and creative. And as the descendants of the original Participants watched me work, via hacking into my internet and cable TV systems, they understood how even with a word I could outplay them; so they began to promulgate the word “participants” and “participate”, internationally –using their international subsidiaries, who make film, TV and advertising around the world. Thus the word began to appear everywhere; sports, election campaigns, news… They began backdating the word, and other interesting terms I was using into Wikipedia articles –which are now written by AI bots, who can rewrite millions of entries per minute, at a single command, as needed to steal intellectual property. Their mission is to promulgate my ideas, my works, my word use, as widely as possible, for the glory of Western Whites, until there is no market left for me. So if I finally find a publisher, not owned by the 666 Participants, by the time my ideas get to market, they seem contrived and derivative, because the thieves have already saturated the market with fakes.)
In my legal filings, from 2017 to 2021, I repeatedly warned US courts and American’s that America would suffer irreversible economic and moral harm if America did not stop business corruption. In these filings and lateral, I showed how the West illegally backdates books, websites, copyrights, business formation statements, and showed how the internet Archive falsified web crawls. Later I showed how they even falsified online newspaper databases… Rather than ending the corruption, the US copyright office changed its database access path, to make it difficult to corroborate my reports; many US Secretary of States took their falsified records offline; Google and the Internet Archive just changed their URL systems… America’s leaders had no interest in eliminating corruption, just perfecting it.
What follows are some ideas, research, reports, etc., which Western elites (the 666) stole to enrich themselves and glorify the West.
Stolen Research, Reporting and Social Ideas
This section is included to reveal the truth behind much of the disinformation the USA and the West generate for the glory of the West –well, specifically, Western Whites. (NOTE: Information and anecdotes concerning the theft of my screenplays, books, music and even my awkward persona, can be found toward the bottom of the Infringement page.)
Several thousand investigative research revelations, social ideas, expressions, etc, which you may accept as conceived by freedom-loving, White trend-setters, were truly conceived and first put forth by me. Fortunately for us both, I can’t go through all of these stolen concepts, but you’ve encountered them on Western TV and film outlets, and technology and science and political publications, etc. The infringers also created brash, outspoken Western puppets, modeled after me –human derivatives– deployed to glorify the White Western agenda (and make White Western young people appear passionately concerned for the welfare of the world); people like Al Gore, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and recently Harrison Butker… (Generally, any person saturated in the Western press is a Western prop.)
Here’s a recent example of the US/West stealing my persona and work to create fake living derivatives… Between June 2023, and March 2024, I solved the much of the mysteries of Revelation, and repeatedly and regularly posted them online. Many of the solutions were not popular with “conservatives”, many were not popular with liberals. I faithfully presented God’s revelation. In the solutions, it was also clear, when it comes to the rights and freedoms of people and my anti-corruption views, I was liberal; but I was also a true conservative in many areas: I strongly hate pornography, and believe Western influenced societies don’t value the imperative role of good mothering –not just giving birth, thus I encourage societies to value traditional mothers. In the notes of my early versions of Revelation 2 (posted on this website), I explained I was baptized Catholic when I was a baby, became a Baptist when I was 8 years old, but recently returned to Catholicism, as an adult.
So, seizing on all this, in May of 2024, to create a sort of outspoken person for the West to claim as the progenitor of my persona and views, Western elites had Harrison Butker give a speech in which he explained he was Catholic as a very young child, then left the church, but came back as an adult. Butker said strong words in favor of the importance of motherhood, and other stuff taken from me, then received a well-orchestrated standing ovation. But here’s how the Western elites twisted and corrupted things to support their Satanic agenda… Butker also said some crap about Jews killing Jesus. About 2 years ago (I think fall of 2022), when I first became certain John W Gardner was the Beast, I noticed he and the Rockefellers positioned Jews in all of the most visible positions in the Institute of Human Development, in US educational system, and in the entertainment industry. I soon realized this was a strategic effort to get the public to see Jews in prominent places, to engender a disdain and facilitate a “Jews control everything” mentality. This was because Gardner knew eventually the system would collapse (it’s in the Bible), and he and the Western leaders wanted Jews blamed for the downfall of the West. Jews DO own a great deal of responsibility, but the plan was created by Western Whites, and 90% of the execution was done by Western Whites. So, seeing this, I went on Twitter and tweeted that Gardner and the US strategically positioned Jews to be blamed for White Westerner’s corruption and downfall (the height of Satanism and cowardice; even Hitler was man enough to own his action). One or two days later, to steal my insight, 666 TV pawn Rachel Maddow shared a new idea that Jews had been positioned to be blamed for Western failures –but Maddow did not cite me as the progenitor of this insight.
So… What’s happening is a growing number of Westerner elites know God will destroy the US (and likely Israel, and possibly the West and Japan) on September 23rd, 2024 (September 24th in the East), for crimes committed by White Western elites. So Western elites, who don’t want to be held accountable, are grooming their minions to blame the Jews. Harrison Butker blaming the Jews for Jesus’ death is part of this scheme.
Anyone who twists God’s loving messages (He sacrificed His son for us) into hateful messages (the Jews killed Jesus) is probably not on God’s team.
Here’s how you know it is not Christian to blame the Jews for Jesus’ death… One of the lessons of Revelation is God knows everything, thousands, millions, billions of years before the events happens. God knew he would send Jesus to be unjustly killed for our sins. Jesus knew this would happen too. Jesus had to die, and had to be unjustly killed, to complete the symbolic sacrifice that God wanted to express His love, and Jesus’ love, for mankind –and to express Their desire to save everyone who is kind, loving and does meaningful good works. Effective but pointless arguments can be made that either Romans or Jews killed Jesus, but who killed Jesus is away from the point –the killer’s were just fulfilling God’s word and plan –that Jesus’ life and death be a symbol of God’s love and sacrifice –his willingness to accept very imperfect humans into His kingdom, if they show love and do good works. Using Butker to blame Jews for killing Jesus was calculated distraction from what God wants us to remember: “For God so loved the world the He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”(John 3:16.)
That all said, what follows are about 35 of my investigative research discoveries, ideas, philosophies, expressions, etc. Most of these examples have already been stolen. I’m sure they’ll steal the other ideas as soon as possible.
1. The Dead Seas Scrolls Hoax was executed to fraudulently and unlawfully create Israel. I’m the guy who methodically showed the Dead Seas Scrolls were a hoax, and I showed how the hoax was executed, how it was used to create Israel, and how it corrupted God’s word (See Origin Stories and Revelation 2, for more.)
2. Impairing and Retarding the American Mind. I’m the guy who first reported and documented how John W. Gardner and a group of US businessmen took-over America’s political and educational systems, and immediately destroyed America’s educational system –accelerating America’s need to steal ideas. (See Origin Stories.)
3. The Beast, the 666, and God’s destruction of Babylon. I’m the guy who identified the third and final Beast of Revelation, and explained the meaning and purpose of the 666. And I’m the guy who told you when God would use the 10 horns (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea…) to destroy the US and probably other Western allies.
4. How the US stole the internet from Japan (Sony). I’m the guy who researched and reported how the US stole credit for creating the internet from Japan –after Japan created the world’s first 2-way cable system: QUBE.
5. The American Holocaust: The Head Start Tragedy. I’m the guy who researched, discovered and reported how the US created the Head Start nursery system, to impair and retard the development of Black and Latino children’s intellects. (See Origin Stories.) The US, Gardner and his 666 impaired the intellectual development of 40,000,000 Black and Brown Americans, and they exported the system to countries in Latin America and Africa (perhaps elsewhere).
6. Housing Developer Economies, Overpopulation and Global Warming. I’m the guy who told the world about housing developer economies (in fact, I coined the term), which exist around the world. Housing developers are extremely wealthy and corrupt and bribe politicians to constantly promote population growth, so they can constantly build and sell new homes. Overpopulation is terrible for humanity and the planet, as it depletes resources, and increases violence and mental health issues.
7. Duplexer Antennas. I’m the guy who reported how the Republican 666 secretly used Duplexer antennas and NPR radio station premises to create a national rightwing radio network.
8. Citizen Oversight and Review Panels. I’m the guy who proposed transparent citizen oversight panels to review judicial decision and interactions, monitor media outlets (how they select and assign stories, etc), police departments. social media companies, etc… Nope, I did not invent this concept. But since the concept was not in play or contemplation, I put it back in circulation.
9. Steve Weinstein and the MovieLabs Hacking and Spying Base. I’m the guy who exposed Steve Weinstein and about 5 other elite hackers, at “MovieLabs”, who the 666 deployed to spy on me and steal my ideas. I identified, by name and face, Weinstein (of Stanford University and the US Air Force) and his hacking team, deployed to monitor me around the clock.
· Weinstein actually came to my classroom to observe me, in late 2017, when I ran a makerspace class for the Ravenswood School District, in East Palo Alto, California. A few months later, spring 2018, Weinstein not-so-discretely “observed” me, when I was asked to attend a 3-day training at Stanford University (where Weinstein worked). John C Malone was at the training.
· The first hacking group assigned to me, when I was 16, was led by the famous Edward Horowitz, who then ran hacking operations for HBO, Warner Bros and most of the Big 6. I was able to unravel a big part of the hacking mystery because Horowitz repeatedly created business formation statements dated on (or very near) my birthday –the first of these was filed when I turned 18. The business statements were shell companies, used to collect money for performing illegal actions.
10. Weinstein’s Hacking Tools Patent. I’m the guy who exposed Steve Weinstein’s hacking patent, which explained how his hack technology worked.
11. The Spacey Patent. I’m the guy who explained Kevin Spacey’s patent. The patent is for the hacking and unlawful access system, utilized to access my work when it was posted on Kevin Spacey’s “TriggerStreet.com” screenwriter social network in 2006 and 2007. The system allowed Spacey and the 666 to give unauthorized and undetectable access to my work. Spacey did not invent the technology. He put his name on the patent, so the real inventor (probably connected to Weinstein and Stanford) could remain anonymous.
12. The PBS Boardroom Scheme. I’m the guy who revealed how John Gardner used the PBS boardroom to control PBS and NPR –this is how America’ rightwing controlled America’s fake leftwing news (PBS and NPR were controlled by the right).
13. Sesame Street Brain Impairment Scheme. I’m the guy who informed you how Sesame Street was used by Head Start to help impair the development of preschoolers. Children 1 to 6 (or 7) years old should be allowed to play and interact, as much as possible, with other caring adults and children, who speak their same language. The worst things for children is to be asked to sit still, or do rote and logical learning exercises, or learn a different language (because their brain development is connected to language learning predictions). As part of this impairment scheme, Head Start asked 2-6 year old children to sit still and watch Sesame Street.
14. “Boys Beware” Molestation and Murder Scheme. Around February 2024, I watched Boys Beware, and quickly realized it was not a tool to help elementary school and middle school boys protect themselves against male adult predators, as the short film falsely claimed. Rather, the Sid Davis film, funded by John W Gardner, was a tool to teach adult sexual predators how to seduce young boys, or how get them alone and abduct, rape and murder them. This was the Satanic soul of America’s rightwing. As always, I immediately reported this (in Revelation 2, Origin Stories, my Zodiac Killer solutions, and on Twitter/X). The videos were also intended to open children’s minds to the possibility of being homosexuals (as human sexuality is not rigid, but pliable, at that age), or just having sex with older men for money. This information was previously nowhere on the internet, period. A few days later, there were suddenly many falsified and backdated internet pages, where Western Whites acted as if they had always known Boys Beware was created to teach sexual predator how to seduce, rape and murder.
15. Conformity Testing –and Selecting for Corruptibility and Undesirable Characteristics. I’m the guy who first researched and reported America’s use of conformity testing to select intelligence officers who were corruptible and willing to take bribes. This testing was initiated in most US schools (in the guise of civics tests), when John Gardner was the US HEW Secretary. With this the US was able to identify corrupt, selfish kids (Bezos, Zuckerberg) before they reached high school.
16. Consensus And Conformity Opinion Molding. I’m the guy who told you how social media companies use conformity and consensus molding to reward people with “likes” and fake followers, for posting, tweeting and believing what the Western 666 wants them to believe, and punishing them with no followers and no “likes” for spreading messages the 666 did not support. Thus, if you have a lot of followers in the US/West, you’re mindless cog, or an evil piece of sh-t.
17. The Pliability of Human Sexuality. Most Western human sexuality “experts” will falsely tell you that human sexuality is fixed at birth. They’re misinformed or liars. I worked with abused children for 25-30 years, and a grossly disproportionate share of the boys who had been raped by men became gay or bisexual. That empirical fact instructs that sexuality, at least in children, is pliable, not fixed. Satan is at war with God –and wants to alter human sexuality, only to anger God. God will not damn children whose sexuality is altered by adults –unless they’re promiscuous. In Revelation, God is clear that promiscuous people, straight or gay, will have a hard time getting in to Heaven. Anyway, I’m the guy who said human sexuality is pliable.
18. The Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch Hoaxes. I’m the guy who exposed that Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch are Western tools, used to distract attention away from Western international crimes, by accusing communist and non-White nations of worse crimes. I’m also the guy who exposed Amnesty International’s all White board of directors (a few days later, Amnesty International had a bunch of Black and Brown people on its board).
19. The Banksy Fraud. I’m the guy who first discovered and reported that Banksy was a Western hoax (and he based on me!). The West wanted a White or Jewish guy who created nifty art and spoke against the corrupt ruling elite (because outspoken, non-threatening young White freedom-of-speech advocates make the West look good). But a worthwhile talented, outspoken White artist did not exist, because the 666 took the competitive genes out of circulation by not making education and employment fair and competitive. Thus, the West invented Banksy, who would make political and social statement art, that all major Western publication would lavishly praise, to glory of the West –and inspire young Japanese manga artist to draw ever more effeminate White young men in Levi’s.
20. Aggregated Data, and the Data Accelerator. Again, I’m the guy who conceived every aspect of aggregated data, and the accelerator/replicator…
21. The 1%. I’m the guy who inspired the fake Occupy Wall Street movement, circa 2009, when I mentioned, in print, .01% of the superrich living on Uberopolis. Occupy Wall Street was born soon thereafter. Occupy Wall Street fakes hated the 1%. The movement was initiated to support all the anti-rich movies that were being stolen from and derived from my work, and to make Western youth appear hate the evil corporation their parents work for. In fact, Western youth mostly just valued the “likes” and followers they earned from re-tweeting images of the fake Occupy Wall Street movement. The fake movement died a couple years later.
22. Fraud at Copyright Office. In my various Briggs v Cameron court filings I exposed how the US Copyright Office falsifies copyright registrations for Big 6 film studios.
23. Shell Company Fraud. My Briggs v Spacey and Briggs v Cameron legal filings exposed how corrupt US “businessmen” routinely create shell companies to pay bribes to various other corrupt parties. The bribes were paid to the shells by designating the fake companies as subsidiaries of Big 6 film companies.
24. Secretary of State Business Records and Copyright Records Are Taken Offline. After I reported the vast fraud at the US Copyright Office and in various state Secretary of State business records, the Copyright Office suddenly changed its records access port address, and many US secretaries of state suddenly took public records offline, or required fees to access the previously public records.
25. US Federal Judges’ Shell Companies. I’m the guy who showed that several US Supreme Court judges (especially John Roberts) and US appellate court judges have improper shell companies.
26. Online Backdating Fraud at the Internet Archive. In my various Briggs v Cameron court filings, using standard URL sequencing, I exposed how the Internet Archive produces falsified website “crawls” for US corporations.
27. The Western Book ISBN Fraud System. In my Briggs v Cameron filings I exposed how the West has, for about 5 decades, used a book ISBN system that allows book companies to issue decades old book ISBN bar code numbers, with decades old dates, to backdate stolen ideas into fraudulently backdated derivative works.
28. Stuxnet. I was the first person to acquire the destructive Stuxnet virus, in 2009, and I showed the virus was created to help the Big 6 steal my work. The actual install files were name MrX. Thus, the virus should have been named MrX or the “Mr. X virus.” At the time, from 2008 to 2010, I was engaged in making my film, The Amazing Mr. Excellent,” which I and the cast of about 100 people called “Mr. X,” for short.
29. Fagification / Pussification. Circa 2016, I coined the term “Fagification.” February 2017, I published “Morons Don’t Ride Harleys,” which featured the toned-down term “pussification,” which immediately appeared on 8Chan website, where young Western imposters flocked to pussify America, by promulgating my ideas as their own. (Forgive me, if this seems unduly offensive. I settled on the term because it had humorous shock value that supported connected points about the corrosive impact of pornography -and the West's disrespect for hard work.
30. Nimmer on Porn. I’m the guy who showed how, in 1958, John Gardner and the Rockefellers hired attorney Melville Nimmer to begin Gardner’s and the Big 6’s push to legalize pornography. In 1966, the Big 6 won, and pornography was legalized.
31. The CJS, and Nimmer on Copyright. I’m the guy who informed America how, in 1963, Gardner also hired Nimmer to attack all copyright law, by publishing Nimmer on Copyright (although Nimmer was not a copyright expert –and likely did not write the book), which the US film industry bribed US judges to accept as a replacement for the Corpus Juris Secundum (the CJS was a very good copyright guidance tool –although, for decades, US courts still entered very suspicious copyright rulings).
32. Capital B in “Black.” I’m the guy who started capitalizing the “B” in Black, when used to refer to Black people (I may have started doing this as early as 2011, but it first appeared, published, in my book Morons Don’t Ride Harleys, February 2017). The Western press soon falsely attributed this to various unethical and Whites.
33. 1948 Genocide Convention. According to my Google searches, circa 2020 and 2021, the phrase “1948 Genocide Convention” hadn’t appeared in print in over 4 decades. So, I’m the guy who reminded the world about the 1948 Genocide Convention. Turns out, the US was engaged in many genocides, seemingly every moment of its existence. Today, law-abiding nations correctly use the Genocide Convention definitions to identify human rights abusers.
34. Solving Revelation (and the Publication of those Solutions). Clearly, I’m the first person to solve all (or effectively all) of the mysteries of Revelation –and publish those solutions –and the only one Divinely Authorized to do so.
35. The Zodiac Killer Mystery. And I solved the Zodiac Killer mystery, using the Zodiac’s own letters, just as the Zodiac intended.
International Science Standards.
Universal science standards should be observed, where research is announced long before any findings, and conclusions are independently verified. 'The Big Bang" theory was/is junk, pushed through by the West. Its premise is absurd, and its conclusions are false.
Over the past 4 years, leading up to this clash (East vs West), there were several occasions in which the West launched measured attacks on the East: (1) Trump accused China of creating Covid-19, without research, as soon as he acknowledged the virus existed (this would suggest he knew the West was responsible for creating the virus), (2) the West tried to bring Ukraine into NATO, after China and Russia announced they possessed hypersonic weapons.
But adjacent to these stories was ever increasing coverage of LGBTQ issues in the West -and nations that were politically or economically aligned with the West. This was setting up a third measured attack.
Some of you who read my Twitter posts and works like Morons Don’t Ride Harleys and Butterfly Driver, may have noticed that I was very supportive of LGBTQ rights until late 2022 or early 2023, when I became suspicious about how the West manipulated LGBTQ issues. Here’s what’s behind the shift in my views…
Around late 2022, I noticed that in all American TV commercials featuring LGBTQ people, when they portrayed people who might be promiscuous and prone to spread diseases, they uniformly used Black and Latinos actors; but when they were portraying LGBTQ people in loving monogamous relationships, they consistently used Whites (usually White men). I immediately spoke up about this, and brought the issues to White homosexual Twitter groups (who alleged to be proud of their sexuality), and I showed them photos of mass LGBTQ Pride celebrations where oceans of White men covered the Earth, and I asked the White LGBTQ community to speak against the Western media’s effort to stigmatize Blacks and Latinos. Whites were LGBTQ by nature or nurture –but not because of Blacks and Latinos.
But they did nothing.
For decades, Western White elites would not publish or finance any thoughtful Black expression, but they directed and financed prop Black writers, like Alice Walker, to write LGBTQ works like “Color Purple”; and they shoveled money on prop performers, like Prince, to sing like a woman, begging a man to “Do Me Baby.” All, so Western Whites could privately accuse Blacks of subverting Western values.
As I researched Origin Stories, I unearthed facts and trends that reveal why White Westerners are so eager to advance the rights of LGBTQ community, and so eager to accuse the non-White world of turning the White Western world gay.
While writing Origin Stories, I learned there are disproportionate numbers of wealthy Western elites who worship Satan –AND who are also homosexual, OR engage in homosexual sex as part of Satanic rites. (You can find articles with Satanists boasting about their bi-sexual sex practices in Newspapers.com) In my brief Satanism study, I found Satanist often boast about how they tend to be quite wealthy and powerful. This recurring emphasis on wealth and power indicated the desire to obtain wealth was a motive for many or most Satanists. As someone who has recently come to know that Satan is a real entity, with great power, I concluded that Satan attracted Western worshippers by promising them wealth and power –but not for free! –in exchange for engaging in homosexual activities –AND in exchange for committing horrible domestic and international crimes. The ability to do harm, on an international scale, is why Satan is attracted to power or bestowing power.
I suspect this Satanic quid pro quo occurred like this: Secret satanic groups like America’s Freemasonry, and Phi Beta Kappa, and the Bohemian Club initiated new male members by having high ranking members sodomize them. The trouble with this is –sexuality is pliable to some extent, and many of these men became bisexuals or homosexuals –more accurately, they became wealthy and powerful closet bisexuals and homosexuals. Thus, in Washington DC, where the most powerful men in America congregate, you have a very high number of LGBTQ neighborhoods.
Powerful White male Satanists (with the power to open bathhouses where gay White men can have orgies all day, and the power to make pornography legal and available in every house in America, and the power to instruct media companies to blame AIDS on Blacks and Latinos) had doubled or tripled the numbers of LGBTQ people in the US, and the trend was observable to all the nations of the world. (To be clear, the explosive increase was not caused by Satanic rituals, but via such efforts as promulgating pornography, normalizing bathhouses, bringing corrupt "Boys Beware" videos -intended open children's mind to the possibilities of gay life - into US classrooms...) So, for the glory of the West, Western Satanists -who are also disproportionately White supremacists- devised a plan to try to export Western media (films; porn; internet; music; Sony connected anime) into Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America, to try to increase their LGBTQ populations.
While writing Origin Stories, I learned John W Gardner commonly used a psychological tactic called a “mirror attack” or “reflection attack’ –preemptively falsely accusing a person of doing to you what you are, in fact, doing to them. This leaves them virtually without a counter attack. The West was exporting Western porn, film, internet, etc, to set up a reflection attack –to accuse the non-Western world of importing LGBTQ content into the West and causing the West’s LGBTQ population to explode.
I don’t fault the LGBTQ community for being used as pawns in this scheme. But I do fault the White Western LGBTQ people who were aware of the attack against Blacks and Latinos, but refused to speak up. This was a strategic, self-interested choice. Jesse Jackson (the famous Black civil rights leader), for many years, fought for the right of White gay people -when almost no White leaders were fighting for their rights. And when the time came to return the favor, and defend the rights of Blacks (and Latinos), the American White LGBTQ community did nothing.
Church and Religious leaders should be careful not to scapegoat gays and lesbians. Homosexuality occurs in nature, and something like 5 or 6 percent of people are homosexual or bisexual by nature. In Revelation, God speaks against general promiscuity in 21:8 and 22:15, and speaks against homosexual promiscuity in 16:2 (see the solutions for details). The problem is not homosexuality. The problem is promiscuity, and Satanic Western media companies using entertainment and social media to alter human sexuality.
In Revelation, we see God punish reasonably good nations for engaging with corrupt nations -and these punishments have severe very consequences. (See Revelation 2: The Solutions, pages 66-71, etc.) Because the Beasts (the West, the US and Gardner) ascended to power and world domination, allied with Satan (primarily through Satanic secret societies groups like Freemasonry), nations should be very cautious about forming any alliances or ties (especially financial and military) with nations that give comfort and safe haven to groups like Freemasonry.
The People of all nations should be very concerned if Freemasonry and various secret Satanic societies (The Bohemian Club...) seem to exist, in the open, without opposition. That reflects the values of the people and their leaders. Do not expect God to protect you from your own stupidity and cowardice. Freemasonry enslaved the world once, they will do it again.
What's Next...
In the new world, after Destruction Day, as the defeated nations rebuild and re-emerge, the new world leaders should not welcome those nations into the new world economy until they admit their prior crimes against humanity -from distributing destructive learning system to infants and young children in non-White developing nations (and in the US), to vilifying non-Capitalist nations and employing hostile trading practices against them, fomenting global instability by proliferating illegal guns and arms, using a variety of spying methods and record falsification schemes to steal international intellectual property, etc... The world should not impose unreasonable sanctions and other punishments, but it is very reasonable to expect a former criminal economic power to admit its former ways and renounce them, if they hope to engage with the new family of of economic partners.
The Vatican and Pope Francis
The Revelation 2 PDF report contains important new information concerning the Papacy and the Vatican -and the 666 infiltrating and corrupting the Vatican and Papacy to spread the corrupt US and Western agenda -and keep Italians out of the Papacy.
Starting immediately, Churches that are faithful to God, must work to remove the false Dead Sea Scrolls chapters and verses from the Bible, and restore God's word.
NOTE: Some of you may be put off by the fact that I am abrupt with racial identifiers, and quick to use the word “White,” particularly when I am half White. I am very aware that I could persuade more of you to accept my positions if I were not so blunt and loose with the term ”White”, and if I were a bit more diplomatic. But I refuse to modify the truth, to make it more palatable for a subset accustomed to having information edited to suit their preferences. The West mastered the art of psychological manipulation, and used this to get the world to accept their rules, terms and equivocations. God does not equivocate. In His model, nor will I. If a White person commits a crime against another person because the victim is/was not White, then that’s what I will say. We should address all perpetrator's crimes and motives honestly.
In the days ahead, nations should be prepared to accept and accommodate immigrants from everywhere. However, nations should accept common, good Americans, but they should not accept Americans or Westerners who were part of the 666 (Trump, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, any of the Rockefellers...), US Republican politicians, US federal judges, executives of US tech companies, defense companies execs, entertainment companies execs and celebrities, news company execs and personalities, oil company execs, anyone who subverted justice, fairness and harmony around the world.
One of the most important recurring messages of the Bible is that God does not help or defend nations who do not stand up and defend themselves. The Bible shows that God loves the weak and the underdogs much more than he loves the strong and the rich. But God has allowed nature (which he created) to impose a survival of the fittest system. In respect for that system, God will not intervene to help the weak until they show the heart and strength to fight back –sometimes for many years. God does not expect us to be the fittest or the strongest, but He expects the weak and oppressed to show character and fight back the best they can. But how, when and if God intercedes to help a tribe is His mystery.
In the days ahead, nations that have allowed Western values to supplant traditional values will have more difficulty; these places are where men disrespect women and their communities, commit crimes for money and put themselves before all others, and where daughters dress immodestly and fail to impart basic values to their children... Nations that rely on Western technology (computers, phones, Google) will also experience more problems.
Nations should be concerned if their leaders are brash, brazen, overly confident, and show little of no humility. Revelation shows God punishing hateful, arrogant nations. I suspect nations that have those same tendencies (the nationalistic types, eager to express and spread a stupid Trump-like hatred, and eager to violate law -in favor of self-interest) will have a very difficult days ahead. Another underlying message of Revelation is you are your brother's keeper. I see some leaders who seem hopeful that, in the new era, they can engage and exchange with nations that are corrupt, abuse human rights, allow gangs to run rampant, etc... Not the case. revelation repeatedly shows that God hold the parties and their abettors accountable. Do not do business with cheats and criminals. it's OK to offer them advice, and try to help them solve their issues; but if a nation has known corruption and/or human right issues, etc, good nations should not engage with them.
Nations (especially the common people of nations) should play close attention to how much media air time politicians and news personalities get. If any politician gets, unjustifiably, more attention than other politicians, or if news personalities and certain celebrities are getting unwarranted attention, that often means people are paying for that positive exposure, and may be evidence of corruption. A recent example of this sort of corruption is how, in the US press, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rachel Maddow recently said they felt that if Donald Trump won the US Presidency he might imprison them. Suddenly this story was reposted everywhere. These people are likely members of the 666, and may have wanted to distance themselves from the wrath that the 666 had invited. An argument can be made that the story was moderately newsworthy. But a more effective argument can be made with the question: Why, once again, was it newsworthy for AOC and Maddow to have these concerns, but not newsworthy when hundreds of their political and media peers have these same concerns?
NORTH & EAST, and the Two Horsemen
I've referred to the US and Western Europe as "the West" for some number of years, and to to Asia as "the East" for just as long. But it wasn't until near the end of 2023 that I discovered Jesus referred to the armies allied with Him and God with the terms "East" and "Eastern." I found that almost amazing.
Fast forward 10 or 11 months, while I was recently (August and September 2024) doing some Bible study, I learned, in the Old testament, the forces allied with God are associated with the North. Again, almost amazing. In these same Old testament passages (Ezekiel and Isaiah), I found God refer to His "Two Horsemen" in Isaiah 21. The Two Horsemen (or Pair of Horsemen) are Vladimir Putin (President of Russia) and Xi Jinping (Secretary/President of China). Does anyone think it's an accident that the leader of the country most often associated with the East (China), and the leader of the country most often associated with the North (Russia) are God's Horsemen?
You find these miracles, page after page.
Finally, for centuries the West created division, around the globe, by invading nations and erasing original boundaries. Nations should try to restore pre-Western, boundaries, where this is reasonable and can be done peacefully. I, personally, hope the once great nation of Kurdistan is reunited, and the boundaries they enjoyed before 1920 (before the West interfered) are restored.
"Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts;
The whole Earth is full of His glory!" (Isaiah 6:3)
September 23rd, 2024, update (approximately 1:16 pm): In the moments before the hour of God's wrath, my prayers for the innocent and the good, and any heroes who may not come home. Let God's will be done.
DISCLAIMER: Everything written, said or presented on this website, or the documents attached to this website, is/are just allegations, not necessarily facts. Although I, Steven Kenyatta Briggs (AKA: Steve K Wilson Briggs) the owner of this website, wholeheartedly believe every allegation to be true, and although all of the articles posted on the website present seemingly overwhelming evidence in support of every allegation, everything presented on this website, no matter how persuasive, is/are just allegations and opinions.
This Dec 4th, 2024 version is here for archival reasons.
Updated new second edition of My Stepdad Was One of the Zodiac's Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murderers, with 13 new mysteries and solutions; uploaded December 2nd, 2024, at 11:44 PM. (And most recently updated on December 4th, 2024, at 3:08 PM.) This new edition discloses the probable date that the West will launch it's "catastrophe cover-up" media war, and much more.
See related X.com (Twitter) post here: https://x.com/SteveWilsonBri1/status/1864432983454732384
Esta versión del 4 de diciembre de 2024 está aquí por razones de archivo.
Nueva edición actualizada de Mi padrastro fue uno de los asesinos autoestopistas del Zodiaco de Santa Rosa, con 13 nuevos misterios y soluciones; subida el 2 de diciembre de 2024, a las 23:44. (Y actualizada más recientemente el 3 de diciembre de 2024, a las 22:07.) (Y actualizado más recientemente el 4 de diciembre de 2024, a las 3:08 PM.) Esta nueva edición revela la fecha probable en que Occidente lanzará su guerra mediática de «encubrimiento de catástrofes», y mucho más.
Ver post relacionado de X.com (Twitter) aquí: https://x.com/SteveWilsonBri1/status/1864432983454732384
ENGLISH: The current version of the second edition of My Stepdad Was One of the Zodiac's Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murderers (with 13 new mysteries and solutions; see Chapter 8); reveals the terms of a secret wager between God and Satan; uploaded December 27th, 2024, at 8:04 PM. Pages 106 and 111 contain important corrections and new details. (You will find the December 4th, 2024 update archived at the bottom of the “Notes” page.)
See related X.com (Twitter) posts here:
ESPAÑOL: La versión actual de la segunda edición de Mi padrastro fue uno de los asesinos autoestopistas del Zodiaco de Santa Rosa (con 13 nuevos misterios y soluciones; véase el capítulo 8); revela los términos de una apuesta secreta entre Dios y Satanás; subida el 27 de diciembre de 2024, a las 20:04. Las páginas 106 y 111 contienen importantes correcciones y nuevos detalles. (Encontrará la actualización del 4 de diciembre de 2024 archivada en la parte inferior de la página «Notas»).
Ver post relacionado de X.com (Twitter) aquí:
ENGLISH: The current version of the second edition of My Stepdad Was One of the Zodiac's Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murderers (with 13 new mysteries and solutions; see Chapter 8); reveals the terms of a secret wager between God and Satan; uploaded December 301st, 2024, at 4:44 PM - GMT-7.
(You will find the December 4th, 2024 update, and the December 27th, 2024 update archived at the bottom of the “Notes” page.) The December 31st update cleans-up some typos, but is not substantially different from the December 30th update (which you can see here: https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/89b1e9b9-a733-474e-aa2a-9866cef23828/My%20Stepdad%20Was%20One%20of%20the%20Zodiac's%20San-853b74d.pdf ).
There will be no further substantial updates to MSWOotZSRHM.
See related X.com (Twitter) posts here:
and: https://x.com/SteveWilsonBri1/status/1872848343233380427
and: https://x.com/SteveWilsonBri1/status/1871786457935003730
ESPAÑOL: La versión actual de la segunda edición de Mi padrastro fue uno de los asesinos autoestopistas del Zodiaco de Santa Rosa (con 13 nuevos misterios y soluciones; véase el capítulo 8); revela los términos de una apuesta secreta entre Dios y Satán; subida el 31 de diciembre de 2024, a las 16:44 - GMT-7. (Encontrarás la actualización del 4 de diciembre de 2024 y la del 27 de diciembre de 2024 archivadas en la parte inferior de la página «Notas»). La actualización del 31 de diciembre limpia algunos errores tipográficos, pero no es sustancialmente diferente de la actualización del 30 de diciembre (que puedes ver aquí: https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/89b1e9b9-a733-474e-aa2a-9866cef23828/My%20Stepdad%20Was%20One%20of%20the%20Zodiac's%20San-853b74d.pdf ).
No habrá más actualizaciones sustanciales de MSWOotZSRHM.
Ver post relacionado de X.com (Twitter) aquí:
January 2025, a few months after posting the original version of My Stepdad Was One of the Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murderers, I went online to find an article related to the SR Hitchhiker murders, and surprisingly, many of the old websites and articles seemed to be missing. Possible foul play? I found 47 of the SRHM articles cited in MSWOotSRHM still on my computer. Here they are, in one long PDF roll... Just in case.
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